
时间:2024-04-18 09:38:31 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1


  Write a notice in about 100 words for the Office of Fudan University to inform the teachers, workers and some students of a meeting to commend the advanced teachers and workers.


  To commend the advanced teachers and workers, whose performance is outstanding in the year of 20xx, a meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m. in the first Meeting Room on Friday. Our president will preside over the meeting in person and make a year-end summing up of the work of our university. What makes us feel even more honored is that the director of the Bureau of Education will attend the meeting, make an encouragement speech, and give out rewards to the advanced teachers and workers personally.

  All teachers, staff and junior and senior students are requested to be present on time.

  The Office of Fudan University

  Dec. 27, 20xx

英语作文 篇2

  在最后冲刺复习阶段,考研英语考试中写作Part B部分,可能是考生和各位辅导老师讨论最热烈的模块。近几年随着英语考研命题渐趋稳定的趋势,也逐渐以看图作文作为主要的出题模式。大作文的解题模式也趋于成熟,在这种前提下,以下就基本的解析步骤为同学们一一讲解。






  1) 突出重点,注重逻辑


  2) 用词准确,语法正确


  3) 题目要求要达到字数要符合作文题目要求,否则很难拿高分。


英语作文 篇3

  Everybody has their inner impulsion, if they can’t control their impulsion well, they may do the wrong thing seriously. Recently, it has been reported that a male college student kill his schoolmate and his grandma out of their argument. What a terrible incident, the student will be punished by the law.

  People need to handle their impulsion.Impulsion is like a demon, it will result in terrible thing. Not long before, a man killed a woman in the fast food shop, the reason is that the woman was not willing to give her cell phone number to the man, then the man became very angry and couldn’t control himself, he killed the woman.

  When he calmed down, he found himself made a big mistake, but he just couldn’t make up his mistake.Impulsion makes people lose their mind, people will do whatever they want, they ignore the law at that moment. When they calm down, they will regret about the hurt that they have made. So people need to control their temper, never let themselves do the unforgivable mistake.

英语作文 篇4

  XuSong, English name of Vae, mainland China singer. Born in hefei, anhui graduated from anhui medical university health management professional. XuSong is mainland in recent years the highest network discuss independent musicians, has independently created and produced three album "custom", "find inspiration", "su ge mist, whether the" pull no popularity or sales all achieved great success. In March 20xx XuSong and ocean butterfly, music record company formally signed.


英语作文 篇5

  题目:请以 Hot spring Let Me Have A Rest 为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。 Hot spring Let Me Have A Rest 温泉让我得到休息 We took off our coats and ran quickly into the lemon spring。 When I first pu

  题目:请以“Hot spring Let Me Have A Rest”为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。

  Hot spring Let Me Have A Rest


  We took off our coats and ran quickly into the lemon spring。 When I first put my feet into the water。 I cried out, Wow, it is hot! I didn't know the water was so hot, and I was a little afraid that it would burn me。So I walked carefully into the spring。 One step,two。 I felt the heat slowly climbing up my body。



英语作文 篇6

  A Free Show

  Jack lived in a village. As his father was very poor, Jack had little pocket money. One day a circus came to the village. Jack was very fond of going to the circus. He wanted to go very much, but he had no money. After lunch Jack went out and wandered slowly round the circus tent. Inside the tent the band was playing music and people were shouting happily. Jack was excited, so he tried putting his head first through a small opening in the tent. Just then, a guard found Jack out. "Hey, this is not an entrance,"he shouted and pulled him out.

  Then Jack went to the back of the tent. There was another opening. Another guard was standing there. This time Jack turned backwards and tried to enter with his legs first. When the guard saw him, he shouted, "Hey, this is not an exit. You can's leave from here."He pushed Jack into the tent. So Jack got to see the Circus after all.

  pocket money 零花钱 band 乐队 entrance 入口

  backwards 向后地 exit 出口




英语作文 篇7

  I’m in Class 3, Grade 5, my classroom is very big and bright.

  There are 51 desks and 50 chairs in my class. But I think they are not very comfortable, they should be soft.

  The students in my classroom are very talented. Some of them can play the piano, some of them can sing. Some of them can play soccer, some of them can play tabletennis. I think some students are very obnoxious, I’m obnoxious too! I can’t do my homework carefully. My teacher said that I didn’t do my homework very carefully, I might be sorry when I grow up.

  My teachers are very patient. If we make lots of mistakes, they’ll teach us again.

  We like our classroom very much, because we grow up here.

英语作文 篇8

  now more and more people send cards to each other when in special days.most of us use paper cards,but now i want to introduce a special card to you,it's the electronic card.

  electronic card is send in internet,it has a pecular function that can make animation and music during reading the card.it has a fast speed and has a variety of forms and when you want to choose one card.there are always several topics can give you advice.

  what's more,it can protect our environment and save the woods that make cards.

  use the eletronic card.i think it can give your amazing.










