
时间:2022-11-23 14:43:06 英语四级 我要投稿





  Key To Keep The Jazz Hot

  It’s not easy running a jazz club anywhere at anytime, much less in largely suburban New Jersey, in what are hardly the best economic times.

  The audience for the music, while dedicated, is small. Jazz accounted for only 3 percent of recorded music sales in the year 2003, according to Nielsen SoundScan1, which tracks retail sales nationwide.

  Being next to New York cuts both ways, say musicians, promoters and patrons. While more people are aware of and exposed to the music , a New Jersey jazz fan working in Manhattan can stay in the city and choose from over a dozen places to hear music nearly any night of the week. On the plus side, the northern half of the state can listen to WBGO- FM2 , an award-winning public radio station devoted exclusively to jazz , which frequently announces local performances. And many professional jazz musicians live in Essex, Bergen and Houston countries, ranging from respected sidemen, and studio players to better known leaders and stars.

  " It is damn difficult,"said Enrico Granafei, one of Trumpets’owners. Mr. Granafei, who was born in Italy in 1952 , runs Trumpets with his wife, Massari. They took over the business in 1999, three year after another couple failed to revive it. Trumpets was founded in the late 1980’s by Emily Wingert, who ran it for eight years.

  David Niu and his wife , Martha Chang, own Shanghai Jazz. They took Shanghai Jazz over3 from Ms. Chang’s parents, who ran it as a Chinese restaurant, until they retired in 1995.

  Neither couple has children, and both share a passion for jazz. Mr. Granafei is a working jazz harmonica player, and often sits in with the musicians at Trumpets; many are his friends. Mr. Niu has an infectious4 fan’s enthusiasm for the groups he presents "Wow! Was that great music or what?"He exclaimed happily before a cheering crowd on a Saturday night after a lively set by Mr. Lee’s group, which featured a guest appearance by the trumpeter Jon Faddis, the former director of the Canegie Hall Jazz Band.

  While both couples share the tasks of running their clubs, they know other parts of the working world as well. Ms Massari has been an Italian teacher in public school system for 14 years. Besides being a musician, Mr. Granafei worked as a" freelance interpreter"to make ends meet. Ms. Chang, a former scholar, is completing her doctorate in Chinese politics at Harvard while she runs the restaurant with her husband. Mr. Niu is a lawyer who practiced in Morristown and Manhattan before becoming a fulltime restaurateur and club owner.

  While Mr. Granafei proudly calls Trumpets a club with food, not a restaurant with music, he admitted it was hard to attract people who don’t really care about the music — which complicates the club’s finances.


  Ⅰ. True or False:

  1. It’s not easy running a jazz club anywhere at anytime.

  2. Both couples have children and share a passion for jazz.

  3. Apart from running a jazz club, both couples have no other jobs.

  Ⅱ. Complete sentences according to the Chinese meaning in the bracket:

  1. Military force has (接管) the country.

  2. Jazz (占) only 3 percent of record music sales in the year 2003.

  3. He has a(n) (有感染力的) fan’s enthusiasm for the groups he presents.


  Ⅰ. 1. T 2. F 3 . F

  Ⅱ. 1. taken over 2. accounted for 3. infectious



  无论在何时何地, 经营爵士乐俱乐部都不容易, 在多为郊区的新泽西州更不容易, 而且, 时下经济也实在说不上好。

  观众很热忱, 却很少。据全国音乐产品跟踪系统( N ielsen SoundScan ) 的数据表明,2003 年爵士乐售出数仅占音乐产品的3% 。

  音乐家们说, 情况跟纽约差不多, 经营者和顾客都在减少。懂音乐和接触音乐的人更多了, 在曼哈顿工作的新泽西爵士乐迷想听音乐的话, 一周中任何一天在城里就有十多家可供选择。另外, 新泽西州的北部地区可以收听WBGO -FM。这是一个专门的爵士乐公共电台, 获过奖, 经常预告当地的演出节目。许多职业爵士音乐人, 从有名的伴奏队员和录音师到名气更大的领军人物和明星, 都住在艾塞克斯、卑尔根、休斯敦的乡间。

  “ 太困难了。”艾锐克· 格拉纳夫说。他是一个爵士乐队的.老板之一。格拉纳夫先生1952 年出生在意大利, 和他的妻子玛萨丽经营乐队。1999 年, 他们在另一对夫妻经营失败三年之后, 接管了这桩生意。这个乐队80 年代后期由艾米丽· 温格特创建, 并经营了8 年。“ 上海爵士乐”归大卫· 刘和他的妻子玛莎· 张所有。他们从张的父母那里接过了这家店面( 张的父母开的是餐馆, 一直经营到1995 年他们退休) 。

  这两对夫妇都没有孩子, 都酷爱爵士乐。格拉纳夫是和声乐手, 经常坐在乐队中间, 其中好些是他的朋友。刘对自己乐队的热情极富感染力。周六晚上听完李先生乐队的现场表演后, 他对着一大群人, 开心地大喊,“ 噢, 那不是伟大的音乐, 又是什么? ”李先生的乐队由于小号手琼· 伐迪斯———前肯尼基音乐厅爵士乐队指挥的友情出演而别具特色。

  但是, 两对夫妇都是业余经营俱乐部, 他们还有别的工作领域。玛萨丽在公立学校做了14 年老师。除了做音乐外, 格拉纳菲还做“ 自由翻译”以维持生计。张原本是个学者。她和丈夫经营餐馆的时候, 正在哈佛大学攻读中国政治的博士。在全职经营餐馆和俱乐部之前, 刘在莫里森镇和曼哈顿做律师。

  尽管格拉纳菲自豪地称自己的乐队是提供食物的爵士乐俱乐部, 而不是带音乐的餐馆, 但他承认俱乐部很难吸引那部分不怎么真正在乎音乐的顾客, 这给俱乐部的经济带来困难。


  Clothes Going Digital

  Here is Northeast, winter means coats and sweaters. And that means plenty of pockets for our growing stock of digital gadgets1. Summer, by contrast, is virtually a pock-free zone. No pockets in T-shirts. No pockets in gym shorts. Those few pockets that are available quickly become crammed2 with gadgets. Mobile phone, pagers, personal digital assistant, MP3 player or CD player, digital camera: It’s enough to rip3 your pants as you walk down the hallway or through the parking lot. Attempts have been made to help redistribute this load, but with meager4 success.

  One approach involves clipping the devices to a belt. Cell phones and pagers often go this way. A belt offers handy access when the phone rings or the pager goes off. But gadgets gathered to belt can become uncomfortable when you sit. A variation on the beltcarrier approach is the"fanny pack". This often involves zippers or clasps that can make it difficult to reach for a ringing telephone. An even bulkier option is the common backpack. Vulnerable5 to theft, it’s able to hold quite a pile of electronic gear. Fashion alert: Backpack users look like they’re still in college.

  Designers have been puzzling over this problem for a while and at last one company has come up with a possible solution. Called the" Scott eVest", it’s a lightweight vest with more than a dozen pockets. Wearers have plenty of room for mobile phones, PDAs, CD players and much more. Better yet, a build-in wiring system — called a PAN, for " personal area network"— allows wearers to use their gadgets in addition to carrying them about.

  Connect the mobile phone to the PAN, for example, and you can answer a phone call by putting in your earpiece and pressing a button through the vest’s fabric. Similarly, the wiring system keeps the headphones for your CD player in place and ready for instant use. Beyond gadgets, the vest has pockets for keys, a pen and even a" cup holder"pocket for beverages.


  Ⅰ. Answer the following questions with no more than three words:

  1. What is our growing stock?

  2. What might your digital gadgets do when you walk through the parking lot?

  3. What dose PAN stand for?

  Ⅱ. Choose answers to the questions:

  1. What are the possible methods to hold the digital gadgets?

  A. Clipping the devices to a belt. B. Putting them into fanny pack.

  C. Putting them into common backpack. D. Wearing a Scott eVest.

  2. What are the two functions for Scott eVest?

  A. To allow wearer to use digital gadgets. B. To provide electricity.

  C. To carry the digital gadgets. D. To fix the digital gadget.


  Ⅰ. 1. Digital gadgets. 2 . Rip my pants. 3. Personal area network.

  Ⅱ. 1. A. B. C. D 2 . A. C.



  这是在美国东北部, 冬天要穿毛衣和大衣。那就意味着有很多口袋装我们日益增多的数码玩意儿。夏天则相反, 简直就是“ 无袋”地带。T恤上没有口袋。运动短裤也没有口袋。仅有的'口袋很快被数码玩意塞满了。手机、呼机、掌上电脑、MP3 播放器或便携式CD机、数码相机: 这些东西都有可能在你穿过走廊或停车场时撑破你的裤子。有人试图减少这种麻烦, 但是收效甚微。

  有一种办法就是把这些东西别在皮带上。如手机和呼机。这样的话, 手机或呼机一响很方便就可以够得着。可是皮带上别了这些东西, 坐下的时候就很不方便。另一种方法是放在臀部后的小包里。小包通常要安拉链和扣子, 接电话就很不方便。更笨的办法是用双肩包。能装东西, 但不保险。时尚提醒你: 背双肩包看上去总像是在校大学生。

  一时间设计师着实为这伤了不少脑筋, 总算有公司拿出了可行之策。这款叫“ 苏格特 ”的轻马甲, 有十几个口袋。穿上它就有足够空间可收纳手机、呼机、便携式CD 机以及更多的东西。更妙的是马甲内置一个“ 个人局域网”——— PAN , 使着装者不但可以携带, 而且可以使用这些玩意儿。

  例如, 只要把手机和PAN连接起来, 戴上耳机, 隔着衣服一摁按钮, 就可以接听电话了。同样, 连接上PAN , 个人便携式CD 机可随时供你享用。

  除了放数字产品, 这款马甲还设计了口袋放钥匙和一支钢笔, 甚至还有一个“ 杯托”可放饮料。


  Symbols Of Korea

  Hanbok1, as traditional dress of Korean, is a symbol of Korea. The women’s hanbok has a wraparound skirt and bolero2— like jacket. The men’s consists of3a short jacket and pants. Both garments may be topped with a long coat of a similar cut. Now, people wear hanbok mostly on festivals or for ceremonies such as a wedding or funeral.

  Kimchi represents Korea’s best-known food. Koreans serve kimchi at almost every meal, and few Koreans can last more than a few days before cravings get the better of4 them. During the 1988 Summer Olympic Games, thousands of foreigners were introduced to it for the first time. Despite a reputation for being spicy, most people usually develop a taste for it, and many foreigners also find themselves missing it after returning to their home country.

  In Korea, the marriage between a man and woman represents the jointing of two families, rather than the jointing of the two people. As such, the event was often called Great Ritual, and people from all over participated. Rooted in traditional Confucian values, the ceremonies and events surrounding the actual marriage were long and elaborate, from the pairing of the couple to the rituals performed after the ceremony. Professional matchmak the light from wood fires. Mask dance -dramas are basically a folk art, which naturally developed among the common people of the Joseon era. In most cases, the actors and spectators joined together in robust dance at the end of a performance.


  Ⅰ. Put the sentences into right order:

  1. The groom travels to the house of the bride.

  2. The professional matchmakers pair up likely candidates.

  3. The family makes decision .

  4. The groom takes his new bride to his family’s house .

  5. They stay in the bride ’s home for three days.

  Ⅱ. Questions:

  1. What are the symbols of Korea discussed in this passage?

  2. What’s the mask traditionally made of?


  Ⅰ. 2. 3. 1 . 5. 4.

  Ⅱ. 1. Hanbok, kimchi, traditional wedding and masks and mask dance -drama are all symbols of Korea.

  2. Masks are traditionally made of paper, wood, gourd and fur.




  泡菜是韩国最知名的食品之一。韩国人几乎每餐必吃泡菜。几天没吃就想吃了。1988 年汉城( 首尔) 夏季奥运会时, 成千上万的外国游客第一次品尝了韩国泡菜尽管韩国泡菜以辛辣著称, 但人们还是喜欢上了它, 许多外国游客回国仍念念不忘。

  在韩国, 婚姻不仅仅代表男女两个人, 更是两个家庭的结合。因此, 婚礼常被称为“ 大礼”, 亲戚朋友都从各地赶来参加。受传统儒家观念的影响, 婚庆和相关的仪式又耗时又讲究, 包括从结婚到婚庆后要行的礼节。职业媒人介绍合适的.双方结成夫妻, 夫妻二人常常在婚礼上才见第一面。男女双方家庭在做婚姻决定时要考虑很多因素, 还与算命人一同讨论, 预测夫妻俩未来的共同生活。新郎通常要先到新娘家举行婚礼, 三天后才能把新娘子带回自己家。婚礼大典由很多小的仪式构成, 要多次叩头, 做象征性的姿势。参加婚礼的人要收敛情绪, 保持严肃。现代韩国婚礼尽管保留了传统婚礼的一些特点, 但大多更像西方婚礼。不过, 民俗村和各地的博物馆定期示范传统婚礼, 以延续这一传统。









