我 Me英语作文

时间:2022-12-01 23:13:11 英语作文 我要投稿

我 Me英语作文

  I am a girl.I am 13 years old.I have along hair.I am tall and thin.I have a big eye.I am have the gift of gab(能说会道).I can speak to you be rendered speechless(哑口无言).I like playing piano and reading books.I like eating good food,too.I am happy every day.because I am a sun girl.

我 Me英语作文

  I have nine little goldfish .Eight goldfish are all orange and one is black .I like the black one best. We call it Xiao Hei .Its body is black .It has two big and round eyes, a small mouth ,and a big tail. Though its very small ,it swims fast . I often feed them and change water for them. We are good friends .


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