
时间:2024-05-30 12:07:04 英语作文 我要投稿





  Environmental hazards are often too great for particular countries or individuals to tackle. We have arrived at a point in time where the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level.

  Environmental problems have reached such proportions that people feel international organizations must be set up to intervene in world affairs to resolve these problems. Whether this will resolve the problem is very unlikely as international organizations are just an extension of human behavior. That is, if human conflicts cannot be resolved at home, then they are unlikely to be resolved at the international level. Nevertheless, international organizations do attract attention to the growing problem of aims of the international community to resolve the issue of environmental pollution and support their cause, I do not believe it is the best or only way to protect the environment; in fact, it is only a small part of what is needed in a global initiative.

  All world problems, whether it is environmental pollution, war, energy insufficiency, or famine, arise from the abusive behavior of all individuals. Therefore, the solution to all these problems is the need for a collective consciousness. What is meant by this is that each individual must be aware of the impact he or she has on the world and their unique part to play in this world. After all, if one is happy with his life, he will surely not endeavor to harm the environment or anyone else. His behavior will be that of a responsible individual.


  Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, and the protection is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  The current global extinction crisis is one of the greatest challenges posed by the rapid expansion of human populations. The protection of endangered species, as far as I can see, should be a top priority for three main reasons: economic value, scientific value, and survival value. Wild animals provide many valuable substances, such as meat, skins and furs. The financial value of wild species is important to the economies of many nations. In many countries the recreational viewing of animals at zoos is also a source of revenue. The study of wildlife, on the other hand, provides valuable knowledge about various life processes. Such study has helped scientists understand how the human body functions and why people behave as they do. Scientists have also gained medical knowledge and discovered important medical products by studying wildlife. In addition, by observing the effect of environmental pollution on wild animals, scientists have learned how pollution affects human life. Furthermore, every species of wildlife plays a role in helping maintain the balanced, living systems of the Earth. These systems must continue to function if life is to survive. Thus, the loss of any species can threaten the survival of all life, including human beings. In conclusion, the protection of wild animals in the 21st century is by no To conclude, cigarette smoking, in spite of its harm to a person’s health, has the advantage of earning revenue from taxes for a country and it is incomparable to the lethal drug abuse.


  Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training that is beneficial to society.

  Do you agree or disagree?

  The current hot issues concerning higher education include the one of whether university should provide theoretical knowledge or practical training. In my opinion, this issue is closely related to the different aims of different universities and the needs of the economic development of the respective country.

  As we know, university education gives a student a better appreciation of such fields as art, literature, history, science, and human relations.

  Therefore, it is necessary for the university to provide theoretical knowledge for those students who intend to receive liberal education.

  Most universities also have professional colleges that prepare students for careers, such as teachers colleges, agricultural or dental colleges.

  These colleges, apart from offering some liberal arts courses, usually allocate a certain period of time for professional training. For example, a student at teachers college usually takes a field training at a high school as a student teacher for two or three months.

  Another important factor on this issue is the needs of the economic development of a respective county. For instance, in China, a great number of advanced professional personnel are needed to keep the pace with the rapid economic development. Therefore, cooperative education that combines classroom studies with practical work experience is more appropriate an education China needs at the present time.


  Traditionally, toddlers are raised by their relatives such as grandparents in most countries. However, daycare centers have gained a growing popularity among working parents in recent years. From my point of view, attending a childcare center has more benefits.

  One obvious argument in favor of daycare centers is that it provides children with the professional childhood education. This is because a good daycare centre is normally equipped with well-trained staff who can impart different skills, such as singing, dancing, painting and storytelling, to children through a variety of activities during the day. In addition to the well-organised, structured projects, toddlers are provided with more opportunities to socialize with other peers, which helps them gain confidence and self-consicousness. However, these opportunities are rare to achieve if they are watched over by grandparents.

  Opponents feel that a relative care is as effective as children center. The reason for this is that taking care of a child is never an easy task, as children need constant love and attention. In fact, due to the limited number of caregivers, children are less likely to get the one-on-one care. By contrast, relatives, grandparents in particular, have sufficient time to take care of their beloved grandchildren, which also contributes to the family bond.

  I personally believe that no child can become an active and valuable member of any society without intercommunicating with other peers. Therefore, although there are conniving arguments for a relative care, it is better to send them into daycare centers in the childhood period.


  What are the causes for losing varieties in languages and cultures?

  Every human society has a culture that includes arts, customs, language, etc. Every culture changes and the main causes for losing varieties in language and culture, in my opinion, are: contact with other cultures, and development of science and technology.

  When two cultures have continuous contact with each other, the two cultures may blend or adopt their cultural traits, such as language, clothing, etc. thus losing their individual cultural varieties. When people of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may give up their old ways and become part of the dominant culture. For example, groups of people from many countries have settled in the United States. Most of these people gradually abandoned the way of life of their homeland, and adopted an American way of life. They learned the language, adopted the customs, and followed the traditions.

  The development of science and technology, on the other hand, may attribute to changes in a culture. The invention of steam engine, for example, produced great changes in the way people lived. The invention of the computer in the mid 20th century has also had enormous impact. It has brought far-reaching changes in communication, education, entertainment, and numerous other areas of modern life.

  In conclusion, to lose varieties in language and culture is to lose richness in them. Therefore, to my mind, multiculturalism should prevail in the contemporary world, so that ethnic groups can bring variety and richness to a society by introducing their own ideas and customs.


  I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I believe that building a large factory near my community has advantages as well as disadvantages. In the following paragraphs I will list basic benefits and losses that will be brought by a new factory.

  For several reasons, I think that a new factory will not be a good addition to my neighborhood. First of all, factories often bring pollution. They are prone to contaminating the local air and water. Second of all, factories make noise. Another important aspect of building a new factory near by is that it will make the local traffic heavy. As a result of this, the amount of traffic congestions will increase, as well as contamination of the air. So, all these obviously will not make one's life happier and healthier in my community.

  From the other side, I believe that a new factory will bring some advantages to my community. First of all, it will bring new job opportunities. Many specialists will be required to work there. Second of all, I think many local community facilities will have to be renovated to obtain reliable supply of water and electricity. So, some old pipes may be changed. Another important benefit of this is that the local roads in order to manage the increasing traffic will be rebuilt and widened.

  However, I do not think that listed above benefits are worth all these troubles including water contamination and the constant pollution of air. From my point of view all factories must be built far from the people communities because they can be really harmful for people's health.


  Job,like marriage and child education is considered as an eternal topic discussed by nearly all individuals.And some people believe salary level is the sole determinator in hunting for the job.They claim the aim of undertaking job is income generation.Although the factors such as training opportunities and personal interest are important,they cannot replace the position of payment level in determining whether to accept the job offers.And it is the action of chassing for the higher payment that is in line with the primary purpose of work.

  All other factors as they believe can only be valuable when the requirement of high payment is filfulled.Nevertheless,this view has been challenged.As others believe that job which is considered as the essential component of people's lives cannot be determined solely by the salary level.Some high income earners are currently working under high presures and their healthy condition have become big concerns.And if this situation is continued,some serious problems would be triggered including some serious psychological and physical deseases.Thus,what they believe is all fectors ranging from career development to job satisfaction should be comprehensively taken into consideration for seaking a decent job.In my view,payment is an important but not the only factor in job seeking.

  Other factors such as whether the job is in accordance with the personal goal should also be considered.And only by doing it,can we select the most decent jobs for ourselves.


  Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult tobe enjoyable.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Some hobbies are relatively easy, while others present more of a challenge.Personally, I believe that both types of hobby can be fun, and I therefore disagree with the statement that hobbies need to be difficult in order to be enjoyable.

  On the one hand, many people enjoy easy hobbies. One example of an activity that is easy for most people is swimming.This hobby requires very little equipment, it is simple to learn, and it is inexpensive.I remember learning to swim at my local swimming pool when I was a child, and it never felt like a demanding or challenging experience.Another hobby that I find easy and fun is photography. In my opinion, anyone can take interesting pictures without knowing too much about the technicalities of operating a camera. Despite being straightforward , taking photos is a satisfying activity.

  On the other hand, difficult hobbies can sometimes be more exciting. If an activity is more challenging, we might feel a greater sense of satisfaction when we manage to do it successfully. For example, film editing isa hobby that requires a high level of knowledge and expertise. In my case, it took me around two years before l became competent at this activity, but now I enjoy it much more than I did when l started.I believe that many hobbies give us more pleasure when we reach a higher level of performance because the results are better and the feeling of achievement is greater.

  ln conclusion, simple hobbies can be fun and relaxing,but difficult hobbies can be equally pleasurable for different reasons.


  The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.

  Write a report for a university lecturer describing the changes which occurred.

  Sample Answer:

  The given pie charts shows data on the main energy sources in the United States of America for two decades. As is presented in the pie charts, oil was the main energy source for the USA both on 80s and 90s.

  According to the given data, oil was the main energy source in the USA which was 42% in 1980. The second largest energy source in this decade was the natural gas which supplied 26% of total energy in the same period. Then coal supplied more than 20 percent energy demand in USA while hydroelectric power and Nuclear power both supplied 5% of the total energy.

  In the next decade, the Nuclear power produced one tenth of total energy demand and that was almost double that it was in the previous decade. The hydroelectric power as an energy source remained unchanged as it provided 5% of total energy demand in this decade also. The two other main sources for energy in the USA remained almost unchanged in this decade and those two sources were Coal and Natural Gas. Finally the use of oil as an energy sources reduced to 33%, which is almost 10% less than the previous decade, but remained the largest source albeit the reduction in this 90s decade.

  In summary, the use of oil and coal had reduced and their places as energy sources were replaced by the use of Nuclear power in the USA.


  History is more than the old stories, myths, or an academic subject for the scholars to write papers or books. Like many other sciences, history not only tells people what have happened before but also functions as a compass to lead human beings in the right course.

  One of the most important roles that the study of history plays in solving the current human affairs is that it functions as a “rearview mirror”. It shows what is behind you so that you can move forward easily. History is, in essence, the people and their activities, both physical and psychological, in the past. If we accept that the past and the present are not entirely separated, then we have to admit the value of history. Our ancestors have suffered the same troubles, such as disease, disaster, or devil, as what we are confronted with, and their experiences, knowledge, and understanding of nature provide us with invaluable wisdom.

  It is true that a fewer people claim that history helps people little in unlocking the current problems. They might give a long list of assumed “evidence”. For instance, they say that environmental issues are new, globalization unprecedented, political or economical conflicts fresh, and the like. Nevertheless, they have failed to see that in essence these problems are what our forefathers have experienced. Today people are suffering the same old trouble of poverty, wars, and mental crisis.

  Therefore, reading history, at least we can find some clues to solve these problems.









「雅思高分小贴士」 雅思备考小贴士12-07







  Environmental hazards are often too great for particular countries or individuals to tackle. We have arrived at a point in time where the only way to lessen environmental problems is at an international level.

  Environmental problems have reached such proportions that people feel international organizations must be set up to intervene in world affairs to resolve these problems. Whether this will resolve the problem is very unlikely as international organizations are just an extension of human behavior. That is, if human conflicts cannot be resolved at home, then they are unlikely to be resolved at the international level. Nevertheless, international organizations do attract attention to the growing problem of aims of the international community to resolve the issue of environmental pollution and support their cause, I do not believe it is the best or only way to protect the environment; in fact, it is only a small part of what is needed in a global initiative.

  All world problems, whether it is environmental pollution, war, energy insufficiency, or famine, arise from the abusive behavior of all individuals. Therefore, the solution to all these problems is the need for a collective consciousness. What is meant by this is that each individual must be aware of the impact he or she has on the world and their unique part to play in this world. After all, if one is happy with his life, he will surely not endeavor to harm the environment or anyone else. His behavior will be that of a responsible individual.


  Wild animals have no place in the 21st century, and the protection is a waste of resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  The current global extinction crisis is one of the greatest challenges posed by the rapid expansion of human populations. The protection of endangered species, as far as I can see, should be a top priority for three main reasons: economic value, scientific value, and survival value. Wild animals provide many valuable substances, such as meat, skins and furs. The financial value of wild species is important to the economies of many nations. In many countries the recreational viewing of animals at zoos is also a source of revenue. The study of wildlife, on the other hand, provides valuable knowledge about various life processes. Such study has helped scientists understand how the human body functions and why people behave as they do. Scientists have also gained medical knowledge and discovered important medical products by studying wildlife. In addition, by observing the effect of environmental pollution on wild animals, scientists have learned how pollution affects human life. Furthermore, every species of wildlife plays a role in helping maintain the balanced, living systems of the Earth. These systems must continue to function if life is to survive. Thus, the loss of any species can threaten the survival of all life, including human beings. In conclusion, the protection of wild animals in the 21st century is by no To conclude, cigarette smoking, in spite of its harm to a person’s health, has the advantage of earning revenue from taxes for a country and it is incomparable to the lethal drug abuse.


  Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training that is beneficial to society.

  Do you agree or disagree?

  The current hot issues concerning higher education include the one of whether university should provide theoretical knowledge or practical training. In my opinion, this issue is closely related to the different aims of different universities and the needs of the economic development of the respective country.

  As we know, university education gives a student a better appreciation of such fields as art, literature, history, science, and human relations.

  Therefore, it is necessary for the university to provide theoretical knowledge for those students who intend to receive liberal education.

  Most universities also have professional colleges that prepare students for careers, such as teachers colleges, agricultural or dental colleges.

  These colleges, apart from offering some liberal arts courses, usually allocate a certain period of time for professional training. For example, a student at teachers college usually takes a field training at a high school as a student teacher for two or three months.

  Another important factor on this issue is the needs of the economic development of a respective county. For instance, in China, a great number of advanced professional personnel are needed to keep the pace with the rapid economic development. Therefore, cooperative education that combines classroom studies with practical work experience is more appropriate an education China needs at the present time.


  Traditionally, toddlers are raised by their relatives such as grandparents in most countries. However, daycare centers have gained a growing popularity among working parents in recent years. From my point of view, attending a childcare center has more benefits.

  One obvious argument in favor of daycare centers is that it provides children with the professional childhood education. This is because a good daycare centre is normally equipped with well-trained staff who can impart different skills, such as singing, dancing, painting and storytelling, to children through a variety of activities during the day. In addition to the well-organised, structured projects, toddlers are provided with more opportunities to socialize with other peers, which helps them gain confidence and self-consicousness. However, these opportunities are rare to achieve if they are watched over by grandparents.

  Opponents feel that a relative care is as effective as children center. The reason for this is that taking care of a child is never an easy task, as children need constant love and attention. In fact, due to the limited number of caregivers, children are less likely to get the one-on-one care. By contrast, relatives, grandparents in particular, have sufficient time to take care of their beloved grandchildren, which also contributes to the family bond.

  I personally believe that no child can become an active and valuable member of any society without intercommunicating with other peers. Therefore, although there are conniving arguments for a relative care, it is better to send them into daycare centers in the childhood period.


  What are the causes for losing varieties in languages and cultures?

  Every human society has a culture that includes arts, customs, language, etc. Every culture changes and the main causes for losing varieties in language and culture, in my opinion, are: contact with other cultures, and development of science and technology.

  When two cultures have continuous contact with each other, the two cultures may blend or adopt their cultural traits, such as language, clothing, etc. thus losing their individual cultural varieties. When people of one culture who move to a country where another culture dominates may give up their old ways and become part of the dominant culture. For example, groups of people from many countries have settled in the United States. Most of these people gradually abandoned the way of life of their homeland, and adopted an American way of life. They learned the language, adopted the customs, and followed the traditions.

  The development of science and technology, on the other hand, may attribute to changes in a culture. The invention of steam engine, for example, produced great changes in the way people lived. The invention of the computer in the mid 20th century has also had enormous impact. It has brought far-reaching changes in communication, education, entertainment, and numerous other areas of modern life.

  In conclusion, to lose varieties in language and culture is to lose richness in them. Therefore, to my mind, multiculturalism should prevail in the contemporary world, so that ethnic groups can bring variety and richness to a society by introducing their own ideas and customs.


  I am from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I believe that building a large factory near my community has advantages as well as disadvantages. In the following paragraphs I will list basic benefits and losses that will be brought by a new factory.

  For several reasons, I think that a new factory will not be a good addition to my neighborhood. First of all, factories often bring pollution. They are prone to contaminating the local air and water. Second of all, factories make noise. Another important aspect of building a new factory near by is that it will make the local traffic heavy. As a result of this, the amount of traffic congestions will increase, as well as contamination of the air. So, all these obviously will not make one's life happier and healthier in my community.

  From the other side, I believe that a new factory will bring some advantages to my community. First of all, it will bring new job opportunities. Many specialists will be required to work there. Second of all, I think many local community facilities will have to be renovated to obtain reliable supply of water and electricity. So, some old pipes may be changed. Another important benefit of this is that the local roads in order to manage the increasing traffic will be rebuilt and widened.

  However, I do not think that listed above benefits are worth all these troubles including water contamination and the constant pollution of air. From my point of view all factories must be built far from the people communities because they can be really harmful for people's health.


  Job,like marriage and child education is considered as an eternal topic discussed by nearly all individuals.And some people believe salary level is the sole determinator in hunting for the job.They claim the aim of undertaking job is income generation.Although the factors such as training opportunities and personal interest are important,they cannot replace the position of payment level in determining whether to accept the job offers.And it is the action of chassing for the higher payment that is in line with the primary purpose of work.

  All other factors as they believe can only be valuable when the requirement of high payment is filfulled.Nevertheless,this view has been challenged.As others believe that job which is considered as the essential component of people's lives cannot be determined solely by the salary level.Some high income earners are currently working under high presures and their healthy condition have become big concerns.And if this situation is continued,some serious problems would be triggered including some serious psychological and physical deseases.Thus,what they believe is all fectors ranging from career development to job satisfaction should be comprehensively taken into consideration for seaking a decent job.In my view,payment is an important but not the only factor in job seeking.

  Other factors such as whether the job is in accordance with the personal goal should also be considered.And only by doing it,can we select the most decent jobs for ourselves.


  Some people believe that hobbies need to be difficult tobe enjoyable.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Some hobbies are relatively easy, while others present more of a challenge.Personally, I believe that both types of hobby can be fun, and I therefore disagree with the statement that hobbies need to be difficult in order to be enjoyable.

  On the one hand, many people enjoy easy hobbies. One example of an activity that is easy for most people is swimming.This hobby requires very little equipment, it is simple to learn, and it is inexpensive.I remember learning to swim at my local swimming pool when I was a child, and it never felt like a demanding or challenging experience.Another hobby that I find easy and fun is photography. In my opinion, anyone can take interesting pictures without knowing too much about the technicalities of operating a camera. Despite being straightforward , taking photos is a satisfying activity.

  On the other hand, difficult hobbies can sometimes be more exciting. If an activity is more challenging, we might feel a greater sense of satisfaction when we manage to do it successfully. For example, film editing isa hobby that requires a high level of knowledge and expertise. In my case, it took me around two years before l became competent at this activity, but now I enjoy it much more than I did when l started.I believe that many hobbies give us more pleasure when we reach a higher level of performance because the results are better and the feeling of achievement is greater.

  ln conclusion, simple hobbies can be fun and relaxing,but difficult hobbies can be equally pleasurable for different reasons.


  The two graphs show the main sources of energy in the USA in the 1980s and the 1990s.

  Write a report for a university lecturer describing the changes which occurred.

  Sample Answer:

  The given pie charts shows data on the main energy sources in the United States of America for two decades. As is presented in the pie charts, oil was the main energy source for the USA both on 80s and 90s.

  According to the given data, oil was the main energy source in the USA which was 42% in 1980. The second largest energy source in this decade was the natural gas which supplied 26% of total energy in the same period. Then coal supplied more than 20 percent energy demand in USA while hydroelectric power and Nuclear power both supplied 5% of the total energy.

  In the next decade, the Nuclear power produced one tenth of total energy demand and that was almost double that it was in the previous decade. The hydroelectric power as an energy source remained unchanged as it provided 5% of total energy demand in this decade also. The two other main sources for energy in the USA remained almost unchanged in this decade and those two sources were Coal and Natural Gas. Finally the use of oil as an energy sources reduced to 33%, which is almost 10% less than the previous decade, but remained the largest source albeit the reduction in this 90s decade.

  In summary, the use of oil and coal had reduced and their places as energy sources were replaced by the use of Nuclear power in the USA.


  History is more than the old stories, myths, or an academic subject for the scholars to write papers or books. Like many other sciences, history not only tells people what have happened before but also functions as a compass to lead human beings in the right course.

  One of the most important roles that the study of history plays in solving the current human affairs is that it functions as a “rearview mirror”. It shows what is behind you so that you can move forward easily. History is, in essence, the people and their activities, both physical and psychological, in the past. If we accept that the past and the present are not entirely separated, then we have to admit the value of history. Our ancestors have suffered the same troubles, such as disease, disaster, or devil, as what we are confronted with, and their experiences, knowledge, and understanding of nature provide us with invaluable wisdom.

  It is true that a fewer people claim that history helps people little in unlocking the current problems. They might give a long list of assumed “evidence”. For instance, they say that environmental issues are new, globalization unprecedented, political or economical conflicts fresh, and the like. Nevertheless, they have failed to see that in essence these problems are what our forefathers have experienced. Today people are suffering the same old trouble of poverty, wars, and mental crisis.

  Therefore, reading history, at least we can find some clues to solve these problems.