
时间:2022-11-19 22:21:39 自我介绍 我要投稿


  Good morning every one,my name is xuzefeng, from group 7.,and Mechanical Design and Automation is my majority, It is High-end atmospheric grade isn’t it?haha. As you know,just like yet ,i am a humous and optimistic boy,maybe add a little cool ,do you think so ?um-um? Beside these,because i am a boy.a normal boy ,sports is indispensable ,basketball is my favourite。 I usually play it with my classmates after works. If yq outgoing people,you are wrong .in daily life,with no person around me, i’d not like to keep noisy but quiet, At this moment, i enjoy listening to light music.just like 云水禅心,芊芊。。。。。Don’t ask me why the songs i listening to are not familiar as the character i show to you .,i don’t know what the reason is,. Too.now ,time isn’t wait for any people,let’s give the stage to my classmates .and dedicate your applause to 李灿。


  College culture when I was in high school , I had dreamt of having a wonderful life in college . I said to myself that I would do lots of interesting things to make the next few years filled with happiness. I even make a detailed plan . but when I entered college I found it quite different from what I thought before .I felt a little depressed . First of all,at class,most of us can’t leave phones ,we usually play games ,qq or others,so we can’t study carefully.after class,computers take up our too much spare time .we could nearly not leave them .

  News Like fanchangjiang said News is the people to realize the important fact that should be known or not;Truth,timeliness,readability is the characteristic of the news.Real is the life of the news, Truth is the foundation of the news to survive. Timeliness and readability is also the vitality of news,










