
时间:2022-12-09 17:45:54 面试问题 我要投稿




  1、Sell me this pen!

  In interviews for sales job, you may hear this, believe us! In fact, one of us had a non-sales interview and was asked this, unexpectedly. The object you are asked to sell could in fact be anything. Some interviewers like to see whether you focus on the benefits of the object or its features. The features of the pen might be that it’s blue, with a roller ball and plastic coating. The benefits might be that it’s reliable, easy to hold and leak proof.

  2、What key skills do you think you need to be successful in this role?

  You got this far because your job application form or resume or CV matched the interviewers’ criteria as specified in the job advert. Just expand on this in your job interview answers. List the skills you think are required, giving a little explanation as to why each is needed.

  You might then be asked to give examples where you’ve used one or more of these skills. These are behavioural interview questions.

  3、Where do you see yourself in five years time?

  This can be a difficult job interview question to answer, especially if you’ve not thought beyond getting this job! When you answer, you want to sound ambitious enough to be motivated to do a good job, but not too ambitious in case your interviewers think you’re only using this job as a stepping stone to something better.

  I can be successful in this job and taken on additional responsibilities and be considered suitable for promotion.

  4、How does this job fit into your career plans?

  This is a similar job interview question to the one above really, except that it looks beyond five years. Be realistic. You might say something like this if you’re going for a middle-management position:

  “My ambition is to lead a department and be involved in strategic decision-making at a senior level. I expect the role I’m applying for to give me more experience of leading and some introduction to strategy so that I’m ready for a senior role in a few years time”.

  5、Where did you think you’d be at this stage in your life?

  Avoid saying further than you are now! It’s better to show you’ve met or exceeded your ambitions than fallen short of them. Tell the interviewers that you are happy with your life and career, but are looking for more challenge as you like to stretch yourself to achieve more.


  1、What do you think of your current boss?

  “My current boss is great. He sets the team challenging but realistic targets and motivates us to achieve them…”

  “My current boss is very good. She deals with her team firmly but fairly and enjoys our respect because of this…”

  If your current boss is not great, and you are prepared to answer more interview questions about this, say so, but do balance each criticism with a positive point. Remember the need to appear positive in your answers to interview questions. You might say:

  “My current boss has strengths and weaknesses. He is very good at listening to people but sometimes, in my view, doesn’t deal with underperformers firmly enough. This affects team morale sometimes…”

  2、What will you miss about your present job?

  People is the best interview answer here. Say anything else and you’re suggesting the job you’re applying for won’t give you everything you had and more, and might even leave you wanting!

  As you think about answers to interview questions, always have in mind the need to create a positive impression.

  “Well I’m confident that the job you’re offering will give me everything I have now and more so I don’t think I’ll miss anything about the job itself. But I’ll miss some of the people of course…”

  3、What can you tell me about XYZ Company?

  If you need to, start by saying “Is it ok if I refer to my notes?”. When you get the nod, off you go.

  A good interview answer should include short factual statements covering such things as the Company’s history, its products, staff numbers, turnover and future business objectives. Something like this is fine:

  “I believe the Company began in 967, with just one outlet, but now has 25. From what I’ve read, you sell A, B and C products across Europe and the States and have a turnover in excess of $5 million. You employ 25 staff. I beleive you hope to enter the Asian market by 200″. “I’ve done some research and can tell you more if you like”.

  You will likely hear “No, that’s fine. Thank you.”

  Your interviewers will be impressed that you prepared and made notes and you’re off to a good start.


  1、How would your boss describe you?

  If you get the job, your interviewer may be your future boss so you need to answer this question carefully. Describe yourself as any boss would want to see you. You might say:

  “My boss would describe me as hard working, loyal, friendly and committed. He would say that I work well on my own initiative and deliver what he wants on time and to a high standard”.

  Again, don’t use the term “I think my boss would say..” as it gives an element of doubt. Be positive and certain with the interview answer you give.

  2、What motivates you?

  I am motivated by being around other positive people, we might question if working alone would suit them.

  I am motivated by targets.

  3、What do you look for in a job?

  This is really a question about suitability, though we’ve included it here.

  Remember the advert? Focus on the advert criteria and you won’t go far wrong. For example, if the advert called for someone to lead others, you might say:

  “I like a job where I can lead and motivate others and enjoy seeing improvements in team performance”.

  If the advert called for a target-focused individual, you might say:

  “I like having targets. They encourage me to stretch myself and beat them!”

  4、What is your personal mission statement or motto?

  Not everyone has one, but because you might be asked, think what yours would be.

  “Just do it!”

  “Right first time, every time”.

  “Less talk, more action”.

  “Treat others as you’d wish to be treated”.

  “Fortune favours the brave”.

  “Quality, quality, quality…”.

  Our advice: This is one of those times when we ask candidates to explain their answers to our interview questions. So, whatever you say, it’s likely you’ll be asked to give a reason or example so have one in mind. For most jobs, you want to sound positive and motivated, but possibly not ruthless or inconsiderate.

  5、What do you enjoy most about what you do now?

  “I really enjoy the technical nature of the job and the speed at which I’m able to fix faults. I get a lot of satisfaction from getting people back to work as soon as possible”.

  If working as part of a team is mentioned as a requirement of the job, you might answer:

  “I really enjoy being part of a team. I like it when the team pulls together to achieve something and everyone can take some credit”.









