
时间:2022-12-09 05:26:15 感恩节 我要投稿





  Let us reflect on the past when we plan again to celebrate "thanksgiving", which is called "American" (the descendants of Europeans who conquered America). In fact, the origin of Thanksgiving is just a legend, and this legend is not accepted by the Indians, the real situation is that Thanksgiving is a white invasion of the Americas, in order to celebrate the Indians massacre victory Festival set up.


  In 1621, 129 years after Europeans invaded America, it was said that there was the first Thanksgiving day. The British immigrants in the colony of Plymouth celebrated Thanksgiving for the first time. The pilgrims from England arrived in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the May flower ship in 1620. With the help of the local Indians, they learned to grow corn, hunt, fish, and so on. During the second year celebration of the harvest, the British immigrants invited the Indians to thank God for mercy, and therefore had the first thanksgiving. Legend has it that the first celebration lasted three days, and the pilgrims shared the delicious food with the indians.


  But the three day feast did not leave any historical records, and the surviving Indians did not approve of the legend. The truth is, since the Europeans brought pestilence, Indians are dying like flies, now Connecticut's Pecot tribe (a branch of the Indians), there are 8000 people in Europe came to 1637, only 1500 people, and that is the first official White White was proclaimed a Thanksgiving Day, in order to celebrate them in Connecticut Valley of Pequot massacre.


  William Bradford, one of the former governors of Plymouth and one of the so-called feast records of the 1621, participated in the 1637 massacre. He wrote in the "Plymouth" in the history of planting, those who escape from the fire by sword and stabbed, some are chopped into pieces, some sword piercing, they will soon be killed, few people escape. The scene of their burning in the fire is terrible...... It smells bad, but it's a victim of sweet victory. White people praise God for their great help, let the enemy fall into their hands, let them win quickly. Massachusetts Bay governor John Winthrop announced: this day should be celebrated, thanks to the conquered pequot. So the Thanksgiving Day was officially born. At that time the Pequot has There is not much left. The British commander John Mason said the attack Pequot is God for God, "laughed at his enemies and his people laugh at the enemy, let Pequot become fire...... God's body into many pagans to stiek river".


  During the war of independence, which was marked by Americans as "noble", there were similar massacres in the central part of New York. In 1779, the Continental Congress (Congress predecessor) found that most of the Iroquois Indians backward British, new settlers against rapidly covering. George Washington let general Sullivan to deal with those backward British Indians, including Mohawk, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca tribes. Sullivan ruthlessly destroyed at least 40 villages, burned their crops and houses, the more than 5000 Iroquois Indians displaced, many people froze in the winter. A lot of people were fleeing Seneca scalp after killing.


  Since the founding of the New Republic, such a war has not stopped. The gold rush in 1849 brought a large number of white miners and people into California. From 1853 to 1861, there were at least 14 wars against the local Indians. Some paramilitary campaigns continued until the end of the 1860s, and the local Indians almost disappeared.


  Americans have consistently refused to acknowledge the origins of racism and genocide. This massacre continues to define and practice our civilization". We have to grieve for the atrocities of others, hurt others, eventually hurt ourselves, reflect on our actions, and feel great relief. The author was an American who served in the Vietnam War and later became a pacifist









