
时间:2017-02-11 13:41:11 娱乐资讯 我要投稿


Lesson 125 Tea for two


water v. 浇水

terribly adv. 非常

dry adj. 干燥的,干的

nuisance n. 讨厌的东西或人

mean(meant/meant) v. 意味着,意思是

surprise n. 惊奇,意外的事

waters 水域 / watermelon 西瓜

I'm afraid I must water the garden now.

very / terribly / awfully

I'm very happy.

I'm very sorry.

terribly/awful 表示负面的意思,very可以表示负面的意思,也可以表示下面的意思。

It is cool today. It is a good day for picnic.

It is very cool.

It is terrible/awful cool.

It's dry this year.

It's very/terribly/awfully dry this year.

It is a nuisance!

The man is a nuisance.

What a nuisance (it is)!

mean person/small person

That man is really very mean. / He is a small person.

by all means 想尽办法,不择手段

I want to pass the band six exam by all means.

You must go Home.

You must water the garden.

What do you mean?

What do you know?

I know he is a good person.

I mean you must go Home.

It's raining.

It means (that) I needn't (don't need to) water the garden.

I need to go Home.

I needn't (don't need to) go Home.

It's a surprise.


It's a pleasant surprise.

Listen to the story about a man and his wife.

His wife wants the man to have a cup of tea with her in the living room.

But it's dry. The man thinks that he must water the garden now.

But the wife wants the man to come in and have a cup of tea with her.

And the man doesn't want to come in.

The lady is a little bit angry.

So she wants to drink a cup of tea by herself.

But later, it's raining/ it begins to rain.

Then that is a good news for the man.

That means the man needn't water the garden.

And he can come in and have a cup of tea with his wife.

have to/ has to/ will have to/had to/ have had to/ has had to

must/ have to 必须

1 must是情态动词;have to是复合动词

2 must没有时态变化;have to有时态变化,have to在变为否定和疑问形式时要根据不同的助动词来变化(一般现在时don't/doesn't;将来时后边直接变化;过去时didn't;完成时have not had to)

3 have to是客观需要,must主观的必须

take a taxi

I must take a taxi.

I have to take a taxi.

I don't have to take a taxi.

Do you have to take a taxi?

I have to take a taxi every day.

I don't have to take a taxi every day.

Do you have to take a taxi every day?

She has to get up early tomorrow.

She doesn't have to get up early tomorrow.

Does she have to get up early tomorrow?

I had to water the garden every day last year.

I didn't have to water the garden every day last year.

Did you have to water the garden every day last year?

I have waited for you for two hours.

I have had to wait for you for two hours.
Lesson 126 Have to and to not need to

Do you have to go now?

Yes, I have to leave immediately.

Do you have to get up early tomorrow morning?

Yes, I'll have to get up at six o'clock.

Did you have to take a taxi?

I'm afraid I had to.

I couldn't get a bus.

Hasn't your friend arrived yet?

How long have you had to wait?

I've had to wait for two hours!

Do you have to water the garden?

No, I don't need to water it now.

It's going to rain.

Do we have to walk to the station?

No, we don't need to.

We can catch a bus.

immediately adv. 立即地

Lesson 125 Tea for two



Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter?

Not yet.

I must water the garden first.

Do you have to water it now?

I'm afraid I must.

Look at it!

It's terribly dry.

What a nuisance!

Last summer it was very dry, too.

Don't you remember?

I had to water it every day.

Well, I'll have tea by myself.

That was quick!

Have you finished already?


Look out of the window.

It's raining!

That means you don't need to water the garden.

That was a pleasant surprise.

It means I can have tea, instead.


1 Does she have to decide immediately?

She doesn't have to decide immediately.

2 She needn't decide immediately.

Must she decide immediately?

3 We don't have to take a taxi.

Do you have to take a taxi?

4 We needn't take a taxi.

Must we take a taxi?

B Examples

1 I have to telephone him, too.

2 She has to wait for him, too.

3 He has to meet her, too.

4 They have to travel by ship, too.

C Examples

1 Do you really have to telephone him now?

2 Does Mary really have to wait for him now?


Lesson 127 A famous actress


famous adj. 著名的

actress n. 女演员

at least 至少

actor n. 男演员

read (read/read) v. 通过阅读得知

Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour


wave v. 招手

track n. 跑道

mile n. 英里

overtake (overtook/overtaken) v. 从后面超越,超车

speed limit 限速

dream v. 做梦,思想不集中

sign n. 标记,牌子

driving licence 驾驶执照

charge v. 罚款

darling n. 亲爱的'(用作表示称呼)

Lesson 131 Don't be so sure!


Egypt n. 埃及

abroad adv. 国外

worry v. 担忧

Lesson 128 He can't be …/He must be …

He must be a doctor.

He can't be a doctor.

He must have been a doctor.

He can't have been a doctor.

He may be a doctor.

He may have been a doctor.

He must have gone.

He must have visited.

He must be swimming.

He can't be swimming.

He must have been swimming.

He can't have been swimming.

He may be swimming.

He may have been swimming.


He can't be ill.

He must be tired.

It can't be my new hat.

It must be my old one.

She can't be Danish.

She must be Swedish.

He can't be a dentist.

He must be a doctor.

She can't be forty.

She must be fifty.

It can't be the 20th.

It must be the 21st.

He can't be the youngest.

He must be the oldest.

He can't be reading.

He must be sleeping.

Exercises Examples

1 He has to be here at six o'clock.

2 I think he is probably busy.

3 He has to be at the office early tomorrow.

4 I think he is probably sleeping.

5 I think he is probably French.

6 He has to be in France next week.

7 I think he is probably an engineer.
B Examples

1 I don't think so. She can't be Italian. She must be Greek.

2 I don't think so. He can't be English. He must be American.

3 I don't think so. They can't be Canadian. They must be Australian.

7 I don't think so. He can't be twenty-four. He must be thirty.

15 I don't think so. It can't be easy. It must be difficult.

18 I don't think so. He can't be reading. He must be sleeping.

19 I don't think so. They can't be listening to the radio. They must be watching television.

20 I don't think so. She can't be retiring. She must be looking for a new job.

Lesson 130 He can't have been …/He must have been …

He can't have been ill.

He must have been tired.

It can't have been my new hat.

It must have been my old one.

She can't have been Danish.

She must have been Swedish.

He can't have been a dentist.

He must have been a doctor.

She can't have been forty.

She must have been fifty.

It can't have been the 20th.

It must have been the 21st.

He can't have been the youngest.

He must have been the oldest.

He can't have been reading.

He must have been sleeping.


had to的后边只能跟动词的原形,must have been后可以跟形容词,名词和动词的-ing形式。

I must have been tired at that time.

He must have been a manager.

He must have been driving at 100 kilometers an hour.

1 must have been

2 had to

3 must have been

4 had to

5 had to

6 must have been

B Example

1 I don't think they were. They can't have been Canadian. They must have been Australian.

2 I don't think she was. She can't have been Finnish. She must have been Russian.

5 I don't think she was. She can't have been a dentist. She must have been a doctor.

9 I don't think he was. He can't have been seventy-six. He must have been over eighty.

16 I don't think she was. She can't have been old. She must have been young.

18 I don't think they were. They can't have been listening to the radio. They must have been watching television.

19 I don't think she was. She can't have been retiring. She must have been looking for a new job.

20 I don't think they were. They can't have been sitting. They must have been standing.

Lesson 132 He may be …/He may have been … I'm not sure

Where is Harry?

He may be in his room.

I'm not sure.

Where will he go?

He may go to the cinema.

I'm not sure.

Why is he late?

He may be busy.

I'm not sure.

What is he doing?

He may be reading.

I'm not sure.

Why was he late?

He may have been busy.

I'm not sure.

What was he doing?

He may have been reading.

I'm not sure.

B Examples

1 I'm not sure. They may be Australian.

2 I'm not sure. She may be Russian.

3 I'm not sure. They may be Chinese.

4 I'm not sure. They may have been bakers.

5 I'm not sure. She may have been a doctor.

10 I'm not sure. She may have been under fifty.

17 I'm not sure. He may have been tired.

18 I'm not sure. They may be watching television.

19 I'm not sure. She may have been looking for a new job.

20 I'm not sure. They may be standing.

Lesson 127 A famous actress


be famous for/ be famous as

She is famous for her beauty.

He is famous as a writer.

She is a famous actress.

She is famous.

at most

I read she was only 29.


Karen Marsh


Can you recognize that woman?

I think I can.

She must be Karen Marsh.

I think so.

I thought so.

A man is sitting beside her.

Who's sitting beside her?

Who's the man beside her?

He must be Conrad Reeves.

He can't be.

I think you're right.

He is her third husband.

He isn't her third husband.

Isn't he her third husband?

No. He must be her fourth or fifth.

Karen Marsh looks old.

Karen Marsh doesn't look old.

Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!













Lesson 125 Tea for two


water v. 浇水

terribly adv. 非常

dry adj. 干燥的,干的

nuisance n. 讨厌的东西或人

mean(meant/meant) v. 意味着,意思是

surprise n. 惊奇,意外的事

waters 水域 / watermelon 西瓜

I'm afraid I must water the garden now.

very / terribly / awfully

I'm very happy.

I'm very sorry.

terribly/awful 表示负面的意思,very可以表示负面的意思,也可以表示下面的意思。

It is cool today. It is a good day for picnic.

It is very cool.

It is terrible/awful cool.

It's dry this year.

It's very/terribly/awfully dry this year.

It is a nuisance!

The man is a nuisance.

What a nuisance (it is)!

mean person/small person

That man is really very mean. / He is a small person.

by all means 想尽办法,不择手段

I want to pass the band six exam by all means.

You must go Home.

You must water the garden.

What do you mean?

What do you know?

I know he is a good person.

I mean you must go Home.

It's raining.

It means (that) I needn't (don't need to) water the garden.

I need to go Home.

I needn't (don't need to) go Home.

It's a surprise.


It's a pleasant surprise.

Listen to the story about a man and his wife.

His wife wants the man to have a cup of tea with her in the living room.

But it's dry. The man thinks that he must water the garden now.

But the wife wants the man to come in and have a cup of tea with her.

And the man doesn't want to come in.

The lady is a little bit angry.

So she wants to drink a cup of tea by herself.

But later, it's raining/ it begins to rain.

Then that is a good news for the man.

That means the man needn't water the garden.

And he can come in and have a cup of tea with his wife.

have to/ has to/ will have to/had to/ have had to/ has had to

must/ have to 必须

1 must是情态动词;have to是复合动词

2 must没有时态变化;have to有时态变化,have to在变为否定和疑问形式时要根据不同的助动词来变化(一般现在时don't/doesn't;将来时后边直接变化;过去时didn't;完成时have not had to)

3 have to是客观需要,must主观的必须

take a taxi

I must take a taxi.

I have to take a taxi.

I don't have to take a taxi.

Do you have to take a taxi?

I have to take a taxi every day.

I don't have to take a taxi every day.

Do you have to take a taxi every day?

She has to get up early tomorrow.

She doesn't have to get up early tomorrow.

Does she have to get up early tomorrow?

I had to water the garden every day last year.

I didn't have to water the garden every day last year.

Did you have to water the garden every day last year?

I have waited for you for two hours.

I have had to wait for you for two hours.
Lesson 126 Have to and to not need to

Do you have to go now?

Yes, I have to leave immediately.

Do you have to get up early tomorrow morning?

Yes, I'll have to get up at six o'clock.

Did you have to take a taxi?

I'm afraid I had to.

I couldn't get a bus.

Hasn't your friend arrived yet?

How long have you had to wait?

I've had to wait for two hours!

Do you have to water the garden?

No, I don't need to water it now.

It's going to rain.

Do we have to walk to the station?

No, we don't need to.

We can catch a bus.

immediately adv. 立即地

Lesson 125 Tea for two



Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter?

Not yet.

I must water the garden first.

Do you have to water it now?

I'm afraid I must.

Look at it!

It's terribly dry.

What a nuisance!

Last summer it was very dry, too.

Don't you remember?

I had to water it every day.

Well, I'll have tea by myself.

That was quick!

Have you finished already?


Look out of the window.

It's raining!

That means you don't need to water the garden.

That was a pleasant surprise.

It means I can have tea, instead.


1 Does she have to decide immediately?

She doesn't have to decide immediately.

2 She needn't decide immediately.

Must she decide immediately?

3 We don't have to take a taxi.

Do you have to take a taxi?

4 We needn't take a taxi.

Must we take a taxi?

B Examples

1 I have to telephone him, too.

2 She has to wait for him, too.

3 He has to meet her, too.

4 They have to travel by ship, too.

C Examples

1 Do you really have to telephone him now?

2 Does Mary really have to wait for him now?


Lesson 127 A famous actress


famous adj. 著名的

actress n. 女演员

at least 至少

actor n. 男演员

read (read/read) v. 通过阅读得知

Lesson 129 Seventy miles an hour


wave v. 招手

track n. 跑道

mile n. 英里

overtake (overtook/overtaken) v. 从后面超越,超车

speed limit 限速

dream v. 做梦,思想不集中

sign n. 标记,牌子

driving licence 驾驶执照

charge v. 罚款

darling n. 亲爱的'(用作表示称呼)

Lesson 131 Don't be so sure!


Egypt n. 埃及

abroad adv. 国外

worry v. 担忧

Lesson 128 He can't be …/He must be …

He must be a doctor.

He can't be a doctor.

He must have been a doctor.

He can't have been a doctor.

He may be a doctor.

He may have been a doctor.

He must have gone.

He must have visited.

He must be swimming.

He can't be swimming.

He must have been swimming.

He can't have been swimming.

He may be swimming.

He may have been swimming.


He can't be ill.

He must be tired.

It can't be my new hat.

It must be my old one.

She can't be Danish.

She must be Swedish.

He can't be a dentist.

He must be a doctor.

She can't be forty.

She must be fifty.

It can't be the 20th.

It must be the 21st.

He can't be the youngest.

He must be the oldest.

He can't be reading.

He must be sleeping.

Exercises Examples

1 He has to be here at six o'clock.

2 I think he is probably busy.

3 He has to be at the office early tomorrow.

4 I think he is probably sleeping.

5 I think he is probably French.

6 He has to be in France next week.

7 I think he is probably an engineer.
B Examples

1 I don't think so. She can't be Italian. She must be Greek.

2 I don't think so. He can't be English. He must be American.

3 I don't think so. They can't be Canadian. They must be Australian.

7 I don't think so. He can't be twenty-four. He must be thirty.

15 I don't think so. It can't be easy. It must be difficult.

18 I don't think so. He can't be reading. He must be sleeping.

19 I don't think so. They can't be listening to the radio. They must be watching television.

20 I don't think so. She can't be retiring. She must be looking for a new job.

Lesson 130 He can't have been …/He must have been …

He can't have been ill.

He must have been tired.

It can't have been my new hat.

It must have been my old one.

She can't have been Danish.

She must have been Swedish.

He can't have been a dentist.

He must have been a doctor.

She can't have been forty.

She must have been fifty.

It can't have been the 20th.

It must have been the 21st.

He can't have been the youngest.

He must have been the oldest.

He can't have been reading.

He must have been sleeping.


had to的后边只能跟动词的原形,must have been后可以跟形容词,名词和动词的-ing形式。

I must have been tired at that time.

He must have been a manager.

He must have been driving at 100 kilometers an hour.

1 must have been

2 had to

3 must have been

4 had to

5 had to

6 must have been

B Example

1 I don't think they were. They can't have been Canadian. They must have been Australian.

2 I don't think she was. She can't have been Finnish. She must have been Russian.

5 I don't think she was. She can't have been a dentist. She must have been a doctor.

9 I don't think he was. He can't have been seventy-six. He must have been over eighty.

16 I don't think she was. She can't have been old. She must have been young.

18 I don't think they were. They can't have been listening to the radio. They must have been watching television.

19 I don't think she was. She can't have been retiring. She must have been looking for a new job.

20 I don't think they were. They can't have been sitting. They must have been standing.

Lesson 132 He may be …/He may have been … I'm not sure

Where is Harry?

He may be in his room.

I'm not sure.

Where will he go?

He may go to the cinema.

I'm not sure.

Why is he late?

He may be busy.

I'm not sure.

What is he doing?

He may be reading.

I'm not sure.

Why was he late?

He may have been busy.

I'm not sure.

What was he doing?

He may have been reading.

I'm not sure.

B Examples

1 I'm not sure. They may be Australian.

2 I'm not sure. She may be Russian.

3 I'm not sure. They may be Chinese.

4 I'm not sure. They may have been bakers.

5 I'm not sure. She may have been a doctor.

10 I'm not sure. She may have been under fifty.

17 I'm not sure. He may have been tired.

18 I'm not sure. They may be watching television.

19 I'm not sure. She may have been looking for a new job.

20 I'm not sure. They may be standing.

Lesson 127 A famous actress


be famous for/ be famous as

She is famous for her beauty.

He is famous as a writer.

She is a famous actress.

She is famous.

at most

I read she was only 29.


Karen Marsh


Can you recognize that woman?

I think I can.

She must be Karen Marsh.

I think so.

I thought so.

A man is sitting beside her.

Who's sitting beside her?

Who's the man beside her?

He must be Conrad Reeves.

He can't be.

I think you're right.

He is her third husband.

He isn't her third husband.

Isn't he her third husband?

No. He must be her fourth or fifth.

Karen Marsh looks old.

Karen Marsh doesn't look old.

Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
