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  Unit 1

  SectionA III Vocabulary 1. prent 2. permeated 3. decisive 4. inherent 5. literally 6. blessing 7. literacy 8. mingled 9. distorted 10. formidable 11. precedent 12. certified Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. simulate 14. doomed 15. cloning

  IV 1. hunt down 2. absorbed into 3. have access to 4. with the exception of 5. For that matter 6. In the absence of 7. with respect to 8. is tailored to 9. be restricted to 10. calls for 11. in large measure 12. ranged from Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. ignorant of 14. to some extent 15. filled with

  V Collocation 1. understanding 2. system 3. muscles 4. technique 5. skills 6. ability 7. film 8. insights Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. imagination 10. resources

  VI Translation 1. In a world full of misinformation it is a formidable challenge for the students to learn to identify the true, the beautiful, and the good. 2. Any form of mountaineering has its inherent danger. After all, it is an adventure sport. 3. The university will permit a degree of individual instruction and the students may receive a curriculum tailored to their needs, learning style and pace. 4. It is said that the understanding of the genetic basis of learning will tell us which youngsters are likely to advance quickly and which ones seem doomed to "difficult" school experiences. 5. It has been reported that in Canada literally thousands of lakes and rivers are no longer able to support fish or plants. 6. In countries with relatively high literacy rates, books play an important part in enriching people's lives. 7. The essence of government intervention has been to limit and distort competition rather than to encourage it. 8. The great cause of reform being carried out by Chinese people is without precedent in history. 9. Practice in simulated examination conditions must not be delayed until close to the examination time. 10. People have found that the lions and wolves in the forest often hunt down live animals by cooperative efforts.

  VII Translation The Internet's speed, vast resources, and its ability to directly communicate with others are its greatest benefits. Because the Internet uses the quickness of computers to transmit its data, information can travel at tremendous speeds. Speed is not the only benefit. The Internet uses hundreds of thousands of computers all connected to each other to store vast amounts of information. And finally, because the Internet allows individuals to have specific electronic mail addresses, people can easily communicate with one another.

  VIII Translation 1. 可能除了教会以外,很少有机构做主管下一代正规教育的学校/教育机构那 样缺乏变化了. 2.来自过去的参观者一眼就能辨认出现在的课堂,但很难适应现今一个 10 岁孩 子的校外世界, 3.但变化在我们的世界中是如此迅速和明确,以至于学校不可能维持现状或仅 仅做一些表面的改善而 生存下去. 4.在某种程度上,这些科技辅助设施已被吸纳到校园生活中,尽管他们往往只 是用一种更方便,更有 效的模式教授旧课程. 5.计算机将在一定程度上允许针对个人的授课,这种授课形式以往只向有钱人 提供. 6.我们再也无须花费很长时间查找某个出处或某个人——现在信息的传递是瞬 时的. 7.信息和虚假信息轻易地混杂在一起,现在还没有将网上十分普遍的被歪曲的 事实和一派胡言与真实 含义区分开来的可靠手段. 8.今天,数以百万计的信息源人人伸手可及,这种情况是史无前例的.. 9.一些权威人士坚持认为这些发现应该应用于特定情况中,而另一些人则极力 反对在基因信息基础上 所做的任何决定. 10.如果年青人要为自己期望承担的迅速变换的角色作好准备,那么必须培养出 新的和富于想像力的方 法.

  IX Essay summary 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20.A XI StructuredWriting Schools have to change rapidly and radically to meet the demands and expectations of innumerable special interests from the changing world. Nowadays few people will remain in the same occupation for their whole lives. Many of them will move frequently from one position and company to another. School education must enable youngsters to educate themselves and to prepare themselves for a constantly changing job market.The education that was essentially designed to make sure that individuals could carry out a single job has been seriously challenged. Besides, there is a strong demand that schools should permit a degree of individual instruction to every student. Every student should receive a curriculum designed and modified according to his own needs, his own learning style and his own learning pace. The time when all the students were working on the same materials and doing the same drills is gone forever. Section B

  XIII Comprehension of the Text 1. It means as a teacher, one should make his own decisions in teaching, instead of passively following others. 2. It stands for the teacher's inner voice, i.e. his/her opinions, ideas, etc. 3. They are optimistic, thinking that being a teacher is valuable, and they are resolved to make a difference. 4. Because they find that as teachers they are nothing more than factory workers, and the school system is barely more than a 19th-century factory where students collect basic skills on an assembly line. 5. Teachers, like factory workers, are busy accepting everything passively, therefore having no time to reflect or dream. Thus, they are unable to positively contribute to schooling's original purpose, i.e., to nourish minds and mold dreams. 6. The author is trying to show the result of accepting everything passively--the teacher cannot stand tall and proud; and the inspectors will believe that he is crippled, and that "the suit is well-fitting". 7. Because if not, they may be in trouble, or be exiled by their colleagues. 8. The tailor can be state departments, school superintendents, parents, principals or special interest groups. 9. The result is that teachers become busy and tired, and lose the ability to know what is truly important. 10. Only when the teachers act from their own voice can real improvements be made to education.

  XIV Vocabulary 1. crippled 2. tugged 3. limped 4. affirms 5. nourishing 6. assimilating 7. nurture 8. tucked 9. murmurs 10. indignant 11. staggered 12. pleading XV 1. from 2. with 3. into 4. on 5. of 6. down 7. up 8. of 9. out/in 10. with 11. up 12. about Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. out 14. on 15. out Section C 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. F

  unit 2 Unit Two

  II Comprehension of the Text I. Because they couldn't live longer without growing older. 2. Be was more famous for his search for the Fountain of Youth. 3. They take a bath in tubs of warm mud and receive injections of monkey glands. 4. Many people can reach the age they are designed for because of their being well off. 5. The emphasis is on finding ways to ensure that more people achieve the maximum lifespan healthy conditions. 6. He hated exercise and never took any. 7. Because they reproduce less or don't reproduce at all. 8. It can help slow down ageing. 9. Old people would soon end up as a huge majority and the planet would have trouble supporting so many people. 10. The author thinks that old age is one of the natural phenomena, and it is the last pan of one's life.

  II Vocabulary 1.terminating 2. originates 3. tempted 4. afflicted 5. optimum 6. rapture 7. adhered 8. persistent 9. diminishing 10. despised 11. patented 12. manipulate Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. promising 14. necessitate 15. perish

  IV1. searching for 2. ended up 3. in the hope of 4. looked forward to 5. ho1d on to 6. in time 7. well off 8. conditions 9. involved in 10. to such an extent 11. originated in 12. adhered to Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. perished from 14. slowed down 15. handed out

  V Collocation 1. abilities 2. quality 3. condition 4. standard 5. system 6. chances 7. utilization 8. skills Exercises on CD and web course only: 9. efficiency 10. environment

  VI Translation 1. During that battle a large number of men perished from hunger and thirst due to the severe shortage of food. 2. This research project bas further proved that fireworks have originated in China. 3. He is tempted to go there in person and check out how the accident happened. 4. At present, people have not found an effective way to cure this disease, which is still afflicting old people. 5. The contractor must adhere to the contract and complete the important project on time. 6. With persistent efforts, they finally settled the dispute between the two regions. 7. If Party B fails in delivering goods at a given time, Party A is entitled to terminate the contract and claim for any loss. 8. It usually takes a week to patent one's invention. 9. A clever politician knows well how to manipulate the public opinion and take advantage of his supporters. 10. The amount of water in tile rivers and lakes will diminish as the dry season continues.

  VII Translation With the 21 st century coming, people have increasingly realized file importance of acquiring round easy information. If a nation can make effective use of all the information it will benefit In the fields of scientific research, education, economic development, etc. What the nation needs to do is to establish a nation-wide "information network", so as to link up scientists, businessmen, educators, etc. If such a network is set up, it will promote the second information revolution in the country.

  VIII Translation 1.几千年来,人们一直想要长寿,想不变老,然而他们总是失望. 2.许多作家总是幻想着有可以长命百岁的福地,在那里,人们以各种办法,多 数是左道旁门的招数, 保持着他们的青春和活力. 3.虽然长寿的可能性已经明显加大了,但是在绝大多数有记载的历史时期内, 自然界赋予人类的寿命 并没有多大变化. 4.即使主要从理论上探讨,人的寿命在写《圣经》的那个时候就是 70 岁,到现 在也没有增加多少. 5.在出生后的第一年里,婴儿不再会大量死亡,在随后的日子里人们不会因为 传染病或者像阑尾破裂 这样的医疗问题而死亡,也不会因为饥饿或过度劳累而死亡. 6.目前衰老研究的重点是寻求有效的方法,确保日益增多的达到最大寿限的人 能够在最佳健康状况下 实现长寿,而不是仅仅在慢性病和体力衰退的折磨下再多活几年. 7.但是,即便是对那些遵循这些忠告的人来说,一种健康的生活方式的作用只 不过是使他们更有机会 保持就其年龄而言合理的健康状况,而不会减缓衰老的过程. 8. 唯一显示的'确能延长臭名的实验是用实验室动物进行的,受试的大家鼠灰色 小家鼠接受严格的饮食 限制. 9.衰老过程是一个复杂的事情,涉及到许多不同的基因.但是,人们即使不能 消除衰老,最终也能够 用基因疗法减缓衰老. 10.然而,老年可以说是人生戏剧中的最后一幕,当我们疲倦时,当我们已经饱 尝人生的一切之后,我 们应该从这最后一幕中消失.

  IX Essay Summary 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B 11.D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D XII Reading Skills 1. Dr. John Andrews. (Para. 3) 2. They hope to cure DNA deficiency, and to fix a genetic defect that causes a severe form of blood disease. (Para. 5) 3. It is about injecting functioning genes into the rapidly dividing cells of embryos to replace flawed DNA. (Para. 7) 4. They worry that Andrews' technology would help doctors to engineer babies for attractive traits, and interfering with genes before birth might result in serious birth defects. (Para. 7) 5. In 1995 it abolished federal funding for human embryo research; it also made such research exempt from Federal reviews and controls. (Para. 12)

  XIII Comprehension of the Text I.C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D XIV Vocabulary 1. threshold 2. apt 3. preview 4. premature 5. abolished 6. injected 7. rigorous 8. induced 9. epidemic 10. integrity 11. abortion 12. appraisal Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. deficiencies 14. recipient 15. irony

  XV 1. onto 2. on 3. in 4. at 5. from 6. forth 7. In 8. on 9. to 10. from 11. at 12. with Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. of 14. out 15. on

  XII Reading Skills 1. The young people. (Para. l) 2. They dominated the protests against the nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. (Para. 2) 3. Young people are being asked to participate in decision-making affairs. (Para. 5) 4. Almost every school has an elected student council, handling school-level issues. (Para. 7) 5. They are honest, and are able to force sensitive issues out into the open. (Para. 10)

  XIII Comprehension of the Text 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. D XIV Vocabulary 1. threshold 2. apt 3. preview 4. premature 5. abolished 6. injected 7. rigorous 8. induced 9. epidemic 10. integrity 11. abortion 12. appraisal Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. deficiencies 14. recipient 15. irony

  XV 1. onto 2. on 3. in 4. at 5. from 6. forth 7. In 8. on 9. to 10. from 11. at 12. with Exercises on CD and web course only: 13. of 14. out 15. on

  XVI Reading Sills 1. The young people (Para. 1) 2. They dominated the protests against the nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War (Para 2) 3. Young people are being asked to participate in decision making affairs. (Para 5) 4. Almost every school has an elected student council, handling school- level issues. (Para. 7) 5. They are honest, and are able to force sensitive issues out into the open. (Para 10)

  XVII Comprehension of the Text 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. T 7. F 8.T 9. F 10. T









