
时间:2022-12-09 11:39:05 高考英语 我要投稿
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  1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B

  6.C 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C

  11.B 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C

  16.C 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.A


  21. D 22. B 23. A 24. C 25. B

  26. B 27. D 28. C 29. A 30. D

  31. B 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. D


  36. B 37. B 38.A 39. C 40. B

  41. C 42. A 43.A 44. C 45.D

  46. B 47. A 48. C 49. D 50.B

  51. A 52. A 53. B 54. A 55. C


  56. B 57. C 58. D 59. A

  60. C 61.A 62. D 63. C

  64. D 65.B 66. C 67. A

  68. D 69.B 70. C 71. C

  72. B 73.B 74. D 75. C




  77.and first→and at first



  80.out→out of

  81.who added→added




  85.so much→as much


  This is a saying “Time is money.” But in my opinion, time is even more precious than money——when time is spent, we can earn it back, but once time is gone, it will never return.

  The time we can use is very limited. We should make full use of our time to do useful things. As a student we must pour all our efforts to learn our lessons so as to serve society in the future.

  But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the value of time. They spend their precious time playing and chatting. They do not realize that wasting time is equal to wasting their lives.

  In a word, everyone should form the good habit of saving time. Do not put off what can be done today until tomorrow.


  (Text 1)

  M:Excuse me,where is the closest place to eat?

  W:Down the street about four blocks. I can take you there if you like.

  (Text 2)

  M:I would be happy to teach you Chinese if you want to learn.

  W:It is not a bad idea. I come to China a lot.

  (Text 3)

  M:Excuse me. Do you know where the Browns live?

  W:Yes,it’s the third house on the right.

  M:Thank you.

  W:You’re welcome.

  (Text 4)

  W:Do you have any hobbies?

  M:I like to paint.

  W:What kind of things do you paint?

  M:Mainly rivers and mountains.

  (Text 5)

  M:I thought I saw something in the yard.

  W:I didn’t see anything.

  M:Well,look again.

  W:There’s nothing there.


  (Text 6)

  M:You play tennis very well.

  W:Oh,yes?Thank you.

  M:Do you want to go to the basketball game with me?

  W:Sure. When is it?

  W:The first of next month.

  W:Uh oh. Is the first a Thursday?

  M:Yes,it is.

  W:I’m sorry,I can’t go. I always play tennis on Thursday.

  (Text 7)

  M:When does the train leave for Montreal on Monday?

  W:At eight fifty.

  M:When does it arrive in Montreal?

  W:At seven ten in the evening.

  M:Does the train go directly to Montreal?

  W:No,you have to change trains in Toronto.

  M:How much does it cost?

  W:Fifteen dollars.

  (Text 8)

  M:Good morning.

  W:Good morning. I would like a picture of myself.

  M:Tomorrow at 4:30?

  W:No,that’s too late.

  M:How about Wednesday,then?

  W:Sorry,but that’s my day off. Can you do it right now?

  M:Sure. What’s the photo for?

  W:My mother’s birthday.

  M:Oh,it’s going to be ready next week.

  W:How much will six copies cost?

  M:They cost from eighteen dollars.

  W:Okay,what do you want me to do?

  M:Sit on that chair,please. And say,“Cheese. ”


  (Text 9)

  W:I’m very sorry you didn’t win,Jack.

  M:So am I. What a disappointment.

  W:Come on,chin up!

  M:No,I feel terrible,Mary. And our classmates…

  W:But you tried your best,did’t you?

  M:Yes,I did.

  W:You won’t give up trying,will you?

  M:No. I won’t. I’ll do better next time.

  W:I’ll help you. We can practice together.

  M:That would be great.

  W:Then don’t look so sad,Jack.

  M:I’ll try to cheer up.

  W:You’ll get over it.

  M:I know. Thanks a lot,Mary.

  W:Come on. I’ll buy you a coffee.

  M:Okay. Let’s go.

  (Text 10)

  I am really enjoying my first year of college. I’m taking a class in photography. We are learning how to take pictures with many kinds of cameras and film. We have a kind and warm-hearted teacher. Last week,our teacher let us take a look at a very old camera. She also let us take turns using it. Everyone got to take one or two pictures with it. Next week we are going to take a trip to a park to take pictures there. The teacher always tells us how to take better pictures. I find that when I take her advice,my http://p.kongkongji.com/1qe out better. However,it takes a long time to take a good photo. Sometimes I spend hours with my camera. The class is fun,but it takes a lot of work,too. In fact,it is my hardest class-but I enjoy it the most. I’ll be sorry when we take the final exam and the course is over. I hope I’ll have two or three good cameras and use it everywhere. I like to take excellent photos of my own. It’s my dream,and I’m sure it will come true.









