My Belief in Love作文

时间:2022-11-22 21:56:02 作文 我要投稿
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My Belief in Love作文

  Good morning ladies and gentlemen. When I was a little girl, like most families, my parents would tell me that didn’t talk with strangers or accept their candies; when it was time to go to school, the teachers, who had ever been described as torturers to students by some media, taught us that it was unnecessary to follow the inspiring slogans like taking pleasure in helping people once it threatened your own safety; right now, I am kind of an adult, accompanied by the TV shows like date me out or others concerning the connection between money and love, still enjoy the care and comfort brought up by a relationship, but then my boyfriend reminds me that not every friend of mine in this world is trustworthy, and not all of them could share weal and woe with me; then in college, friends ask me whether I believe the rumor of 2012, the end of the world since energy problems have come up to our daily life and challenge our nerves.

My Belief in Love作文

  Looking back on my growing process, I start to wonder why we, the younger generation, become more isolated, inhospitable and are willing to brush aside others’ predicament. Why the people that I love the most and suppose to teach me how to love make me feel I am experiencing a disoriented and twisted world where no one I can trust.

  However, no matter how people are pessimistic and indifferent towards this society, I still believe that people are beautiful, life is meaningful and the earth is lovable.

  My life changes at the moment that I have set up this faith. I will no longer fear that my grandparents facing problems when they go outside home; I will not worry about the society falling into a vicious circle like what I had been told before; With this belief, I can turn to strangers for help when I lost my way; with this belief, teachers will always be my role-models and mentors; this belief encourages me to do what is righteous, moves me to shed tears for friends whenever they are in joy or sorrow and convinces me that a promising future is awaiting with the advanced green energies.

  Some people may wonder that I may be too optimistic on my life, and the faith I believed in could simply be a fancy dream or something that exists in the utopia world. However, thinking about god or Buddha that people have believed in for hundreds or even thousands of years, are they really around us and helping people to get through difficulties? Most of us know the answer, but we never choose to doubt them. What I want to say is that faith is a belief which is deeply rooted in my heart, just like god or Buddha in people’s minds. It may not be real, but that’s the spiritual support for why we enjoy every inch of the sunshine and every hour of the day.

  Ladies and gentlemen, the world does consists the dark sides which leave greed, hunger, disease to us, the ordinary people to compete, to worry, and to fight. However, the journey of life is short and we must not let it fleet in troubles or chaos. If we can hold up our faith, no fire concerning religious problems will be started because we are all brothers; no more dangerous nuclear power plants will be set against other nations because the earth is boundless. You may say I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. Hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live in love, peace, and grace.

  Thank you very much!(龚梦南)

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