
时间:2024-03-03 07:14:33 短信大全 我要投稿
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  You will receive all the blessings of the Christmas Eve,all the music you will hear on Christmas Eve,the blessing of heart because of me!

  2 、岁月流逝,真情依在;百里之隔,隔却不断;永夜漫漫,星光闪闪;真心的圣诞夜祈祷,左右陪伴。

  The years went by,the truth in the;Thyme,isolation but constantly;Night long,sparkling stars;Sincerely pray for the Christmas Eve,about company。


  A desire to pray in the Christmas Eve,Christmas,New Year wishes,to all over the sky stars,bring you my sincere greetings:friends,happy!Happy!

  4 、如果你是圣诞,我是元旦,你是圣诞老人,我是驯鹿道夫,你是圣诞老婆婆,我是圣诞老公公,祝你圣诞快乐!

  If you are my Christmas,New Year's day,you are Santa Claus,I am reindeer doffer,Christmas old woman you are,I am a Santa Claus,I wish you a merry Christmas!

  5 、为了适应环保,在圣诞节不要送我圣诞卡了,请直接在尽可能大的纸币上写你的祝词就行了!嘿嘿,还是我好吧!圣诞快乐哦!

  In order to adapt to environmental protection,don't send me Christmas CARDS,Christmas directly in as large as possible on a bill,please write your message!Hey hey,or am I all right!Merry Christmas!

  6 、为什么你的手机老是唱歌,那是因为牵挂你的我信息多。为什么我彻夜难眠,那是因为憧憬圣诞节和你一起过!圣诞快乐!

  Why your phone always sing,that's because I care of you more information。 Why am I awake at night,it's because looking forward to Christmas with you together!Merry Christmas!

  7 、圣诞天使提醒你:只要笑口常开,忧愁就跟你拜拜;只要充满期待,舒眼就能感觉未来;只要你想分享,无论是喜是哀,我一直都在。

  Christmas angels remind you:as long as the smile,sad with you bye bye;As long as full of expectation,shu eyes you can feel the future;As long as you want to share,whether happiness is grief,I've been in。

  8 、朋友;我们的情谊,更加深厚;我们的心灵,愈加相印。我的心和雪花一起,飘落到你的门前,祝福,等待着你;快乐,每一个圣诞。

  Friend;Our friendship,more profound;More friendship-and friendship-closer and closer to our hearts。 My heart with snowflakes,drift to your door,blessing,waiting for you;Happy,every Christmas。


  Legend Christmas night, the stars make two wish;It is peace be to all people happy, the other is tell lucky she is reading this message, Christmas can have the day off, but please leave!

  1 0 、北风呼呼响,雪花漫漫飘,华灯亮亮照,鹿铃阵阵摇,舞步曼曼摆,歌声妙妙传,圣诞急急到,短信快快发。祝你圣诞快快乐乐,好运多多!

  Howl of the north wind, snow long gone with the wind, a seaside lights, shaking the deer's bell, dance, mann, song wonderful ginobli, nasty to Christmas, SMS send quickly。 Happy Christmas to you, good luck, many!

  1 1、平安夜平安夜,圣诞节的前一夜!平平安安的黑夜,热热闹闹的寒夜,快快乐乐的冬夜。你和我的节日之夜,我可以表达祝福的心意。圣诞快乐。

  Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas!The night in peace happy allison stayed cold night, winter night。 Festival night you and me, I can the intention of blessing。 A merry Christmas。

  1 2、雪花飘飘,纷纷扰扰;鹿儿跳跳,吵吵闹闹;有个老头不甘寂寥,走街串户挨门讨饶;短信告知莫要烦恼,快快迎接好事来到,圣诞快乐你要开心常笑。

  Snow or dissension;The deer jumping, noisy;An old man unwilling lonely, go from door to door does ask for forgiveness;SMS told don't worry, come, come quickly to meet good merry Christmas you want to be happy laugh often。

  1 3、圣诞节临近,我要将至诚至真的祝福送给你,愿你的爱情至圆至满,事业至顺至利,生活至善至美,心情至乐至甜,家庭至爱至和,幸福至久至远!

  Christmas approaches, I will be sincere to really blessing you, wish you love to round to the full, cause to shun to, life to good to beauty, mood ZhiLe to sweet, family love to and, far to long to happiness!









