
时间:2022-12-09 15:42:58 英语演讲 我要投稿
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  胡君青 英语129班 2012013113

  We should boycott the Dog Meat Festival A report in China Daily notes that the dog meat festival in sothern China involves eating a meat hotpot and drinking strong liquor. Residents of Yulin in Guangxi province consider the festival an ancient summer solstice tradition. Many cherish their city's dog-meat culture. Animal rights groups say 10,000 dogs are slaughtered during the festival each year, and that many are electrocuted, burned and skinned alive. Pictures posted online show flayed dogs, dogs hanging from meat hooks, and piles of dog corpses on the side of the road. The first time I saw this news, I cried. In my eyes, this tradition is really cruel and inhuman. Dogs are not "dumb animals". They show more love, bravery, loyalty, and common sense than some humans I know.

  First, Dogs are really smart; they are masters at reading body languages. When you come home after breaking up with your friend or lover, your dog will

  immediately start acting solicitously. Even though you haven’t said a word, he will realize it and try his best to comfort you.

  Second, Dogs are really human’s best friends. He gives unconditional love without reserving to his master; he will kiss you even you just mistreated him. Could anyone kill and eat such a lovely creature without a second thoughtI doubt that a rational human being living in a civilized society could ever do so, once he got to know the animal.

  Then, Dogs show definite loyalty to human. The TV News has reported many heroic deeds of dogs. For instance, in the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake, an above 60 year-old woman was buried under the ruin and didn’t get rescued until 196 hours later. We all know that people cannot hold on for so long without water. It was her two dogs that saved her life by keeping licking her face. There are many more heroic deeds of dogs. Here I will not illustrate everyone because of the limited time.

  In addition, dog are hard-working and human’s helper. Consider guide dogs who safeguard the blind and help their officers subdue criminals; Herding dogs who protect cattle and sheep and keep them from wandering away.

  Therefore, dogs are so such an intelligent creature and are always friendly and loyal to human beings. They are human’s friends. Every one of us should do something to protect them and rescue their lives from the butcher.

  That’s all. Thank you!





  狗狗从进入我们家庭的那一刻起,就把命运毫无保留的托付给了我们。狗狗丰富了我们的生活,为我们增添了很多欢乐。作为狗狗的“家长”,我们必须承担起教育狗狗的责任。 随着养狗家庭的日益增多,少数宠物主人的不文明养犬行为被当做典型,让很多不养狗的人对无辜狗狗产生偏见。其实这都是养犬者的不文明造成的。狗狗的种种行为往往折射出主人的社会责任和道德意识。不文明养犬,小到影响环境卫生,大至危害他人安全。养犬者必须文明养犬,严于律己。

  自2010年12月至今爱逗网组织“文明养犬进社区”的宣传活动多达10余次,倡导大家文明养犬,发放免费拾便器,培养养犬人的良好习惯,并且让更多误解我们的人了解我们,了解我们身边可爱的狗狗们。文明养犬,不仅体现了一个人的良好素质,也会减少厌狗人士的反感和投诉,使大家都接受养狗、认同养狗,营造一个人与宠物和谐共处的理想社会。 以下是“文明养犬,我做的到”的宣誓签名活动。











  dogs are a kind of wolf. they were the first animals that people fed on purpose, earlier than sheep or cows or chickens. people have been taking care of dogs since about 13,000 bc, in the stone age, before the beginning of farming (and possibly much earlier; maybe as long as 100,000 years ago, before people left africa). most likely, dogs themselves began this relationship by hanging around peoples campsites (there werent any villages yet), trying to snatch some of their garbage to eat. at first, people must have tried to scare the dogs away. but after a while, some of them realized that the dogs ate rats, and also helped to clean up food garbage that drew flies and other insects. so campsites with dogs were cleaner and healthier than campsites without dogs. fewer people got dysentery and died.

  the people who lived in these cleaner campsites grew up stronger than people who shooed away dogs, and there were more of them. eventually, the dog-lovers pretty much took over, all over the world.

  dogs continued to be useful to people, and to live with people, even when people started to farm and to live in villages. it turned out that dogs could also guard sheep, and help to herd the sheep when you were moving them from one pasture to another. some people ate dogs, especially in china. you might think of those dogs as a great way to turn garbage into food. even in places where people usually didnt eat dogs, like europe, dogs provided an emergency source of food when there was a famine. if

  you were starving, you had to kill and eat the villages dogs before they decided to eat you (and then there would be a lot more rats than usual, without the dogs to eat them, and you would live on the rats for a while).today you probably think of your dog as a pet, and give it food. but in antiquity and in the middle ages, hardly anyone was rich enough to give food to a dog on purpose. most dogs had to find their own food in peoples garbage, or they had to eat rats. only working dogs that herded sheep or pulled sleds would have been given food. so most dogs, like most people, were skinny and had lots of diseases and bugs.

  my friend gave me a little dog when i was in high school. i was fond of him very much. i liked to play with him after school and he liked to follow me wherever i went. i was very glad that i had a body guard.

  my dog not only took good care of me, but also was responsible at home. when strangers came to my house, he barked at them but not hurt them. what a lovely dog he is!篇三:演讲稿对狗的态度

  胡君青 英语129班 2012013113

  second, dogs are really human’s best friends. he gives unconditional love without reserving to his master; he will kiss you even you just mistreated him. could anyone kill and eat such a lovely creature without a second thoughti doubt that a rational human being living in a civilized society could ever do so, once he got to know the animal.

  then, dogs show definite loyalty to human. the tv news has reported many heroic deeds of dogs. for instance, in the 2008 sichuan earthquake, an above 60 year-old woman was buried under the ruin and didn’t get rescued until 196 hours later. we all know that people cannot hold on for so long without water. it was her two dogs that saved her life by keeping licking her face. there are many more heroic deeds of dogs. here i will not illustrate everyone because of the limited time.

  in addition, dog are hard-working and human’s helper. consider guide dogs who safeguard the blind and help their officers subdue criminals; herding dogs who protect cattle and sheep and keep them from wandering away.

  therefore, dogs are so such an intelligent creature and are always friendly and loyal to human beings. they are human’s friends. every one of us should do something to protect them and rescue their lives from the butcher.

  that’s all. thank you!







「感人励志故事大全」 感人的励志故事05-02


