
时间:2022-11-10 11:13:12 故事大全 我要投稿





  Be there just to make up the number

  During the Warring States Period (475-221BC), the King of the State of Qi was very fond of listening to yu ensembles. He often got together 300 yu players to form a grand music. The king treated his musician very well. A man named Nanguo heard about that and he managed to become a member of the band, even though he wan not good at playing the instrument at all. Whenever the band played for the king, Nanguo just stood in the line and pretended to play. Nobody realized he was making no sound at all. As a result, he enjoyed his treatment just as the other musician did. When the king died, his son became the new ruler who also liked the music played on the yu. However, he preferred solos so that he ordered the musicians to play the yu one by one. Therefore, Nanguo had to run out of the palace.

  the idiom "Be there just to make up the number" is used to mock someone who passes for a specialist. You can also hear people saying it about themselves to show their modesty.



  "滥竽充数"这个成语用来嘲笑那些没有真正才干,混在行家里的人。 人们有时也用"滥竽充数"来表示自谦。


  Ago, theAn often out of light Ministry has been organizing the spirit of learning Wan Xiang special education, and I have to write an article on the spirit of learning Wan Xiang speech. Professor Fang was in fact point to the idea of writing back in to listen to Professor Fang deeds report when I have had. In the hearing report, I and many of his comrades, as all eyes with tears.

  Professor Fang touching stories, simple and sincere words, let the tears of a transparent material called arbitrary flow. People, once the feelings of the gate was opened, submerge in water will lose control of thoughts, sometimes chaotic and sometimes extremely clear.

  Professor Fang in my mind, for a specific person into a passion overflowing, one would then become a spirit of abstract sculpture. So want to write too many things, but they do not know where to write on, my writing desire surging in the passion of Professor Fang is difficult to locate, write a number at the beginning, imagine a variety of ends, and I was denied. Number of self-denial, I had a epiphany, in fact, with this setting and no better than starting from my subjective, I moved down the context, I believe the power of sincere comrades here will give an explanation of as the beliefs of Professor Fang no regrets.

  Faith is an old topic, there was the time from Pangu. Professor Fang's belief in Marxism. So the truth go hand in hand with the road, doomed his own greatness and the great ordinary extraordinary. Turned his life dictionary, everywhere is full of signs of struggle for the faith, everywhere all the way to unique identification and pursuit of his faith, then the firm, no doubt, if an essential attribute.

  People often say that success is hard to pay back the sweat, and I think Professor Fang is behind the effort to pay, is willing to shed for the faith life of essence and blood.


  it would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment and to underestimate the determination of the negro. this sweltering summer of the negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality. nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning.

  those who hope that the negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. there will be neither rest nor tranquility in america until the negro is granted his citizenship rights. the whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.

  but there is something that i must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. in the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred.

  we must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. we must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.

  the marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the negro community must not lead us to distrust of all white people, for many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.

  we cannot walk alone.and as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall march ahead. we cannot turn back. there are those who are asking the devotees of civil rights, "when will you be satisfied?" we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. we cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. we can never be satisfied as long as a negro in mississippi cannot vote and a negro in new york believes he has nothing for which to vote. no, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.


  The Hippo and I

  A hippo lives in the zoo。 I like him very much。 I often go to see him。 He often thinks of me, too。 Today is Sunday。 It is fine day。 I go to see him again。 After I leave the zoo, he follows me to my house。 I give him lettuce, cabbages, bananas, apples and other food。 He eats them up。 When I sing songs, he stays in the pool。 He is as quite as a rabbit。

  In the evening, he jumps onto my bed with me。 My mum tells him to go home。 He has to pack his bag and go back to the zoo。 My mum lets me see him every week。


  河马住在动物园里,我很喜欢他。他经常去看它,他也经常想我。 这天是星期日,是个好天气,我又一次去看望它。在我离开动物园之后,他跟随到我的家。我给他莴苣、生菜、香蕉、苹果和其他食物。他都吃了。 当我唱歌是,它待在水池里,像兔子一样安静。 晚上,他跳到床上同我睡觉在一齐睡。



  a friend of mine named paul received an automobile from his brother as a christmas

  present. on christmas eve when paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking

  around the shiny new car, admiring it.is this your car, misterhe said.paul nodded. my brother gave it to me for christmas. the boy was astounded. you

  mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothingboy, i wish . . .

  he hesitated.

  of course paul knew what he was going to wish for. he was going to wish he had

  a brother like that. but what the lad said jarred paul all the way down to his heels.i wish, the boy went on, that i could be a brother like that.

  paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, would you like

  to take a ride in my caroh yes, id love that.after a short ride, the boy turned with his eyes aglow, said, mister, would you

  mind driving in front of my housepaul smiled a little. he thought he knew what the lad wanted. he wanted to show

  his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. but paul was wrong again.

  will you stop where those two steps arethe boy asked. there she is, buddy, just like i told you upstairs. his brother gave it to him

  for christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent. and some day im gonna give you one just

  like it . . . then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the christmas

  windows that ive been trying to tell you about. paul got out and lifted the lad to

  the front seat of his car. the shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and

  the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. that christmas eve, paul learnedwhat jesus meant when he said: it is more blessed to give . . . 内容:


  那辆闪闪发亮的新车,十分赞叹地问: 先生,这是你的车?


  这是你哥送的礼物,没花你一分钱?天哪,我真希望也能 保罗当然知道男孩他真想希望什么。他希望能有一个象那样的哥哥。但是小男孩接下来

  说的`话却完全出乎了保罗的意料。我希望自己能成为送车给弟弟的哥哥。男孩继续说。保罗惊愕地看着那男孩,冲口而出地说:你要不要坐我的车去兜风? 哦,当然好了,我太想坐了!车开了一小段路后,那孩子转过头来,眼睛闪闪发亮,对我说:先生,你能不能把车子



  大轿车回家。但是这次保罗又猜错了。你能不能把车子停在那两个台阶前?男孩要求道。 男孩跑上了阶梯,过了一会儿保罗听到他回来了,但动作似乎有些缓慢。原来把他跛脚





  弟弟的身旁。就这样他们三人开始一次令人难忘的假日兜风。 那个圣诞夜,保罗才真正体会主耶稣所说的施比受更有福的道理。篇二:小学生英语故


Ladies and gentlemen:


  First of all I want to thank you very much host Sa Beining,thanks for inviting me to China column group,thank you for inviting me to participate in this program today,to share with you the story of my life.I want to share with you might not just about basketball,in fact,which can be applied to everyone#39;s work and life.No matter what profession you choose,as long as you have a dream we must dedicate ourselves to chase,to find your dream to pursue it.

  I grew up in Detroit,civilian family,my father,who was a few words,he is a businessman,my father told me a very important point,which I saw from him,my father taught me,every day To dream of every effort.That is,after he gets up every day to wear clothes,he would tell himself,whether you are sick or you feel tired,but he always best.

  Many people think that one day I woke up to find themselves suddenly grow up to 2 m 05,I could have scored NBA is also very natural thing,but nobody recognizes become NBA players rely on the persistence and perseverance.In fact,I always rely on persistence and perseverance in the whole process only to make their dream of eventually entering the NBA.When I was 12 years old when my height is 1 m 8,was as thin as a pencil,does not want to be with a girl I was dating or kissing me because they think I looked funny.

  One day I chat with small partners,and I told them that one day I will go to the NBA game,you guess what they react,they laughed at me,they laughed at my dream.They told me that Sean you too thin,and you run fast,jump high is not enough,you absolutely can not go to the NBA to play,you absolutely can not fulfill your dreams.As a 12-year-old boy I heard so I feel very sad because they do not recognize my dream.So at that time I think I saw most of my own thoughts.Every morning I got up and looked in the mirror,I asked myself:Sean,you are ready every day?Today you have to make every effort to get close to dream a little,too.

  Brush your teeth in my sleep at night,I also looked in the mirror to ask myself,do not want to think yesterday,tomorrow,just think today I was not away from my dream,my goal from almost a little bit of it?Most of the time I can say yes.I have every day in practice continue to practice,I progress little by little,when I was fourteen years old,I would have been nearly two meters tall.After high school,I gradually began to succeed,then there is a basketball player named Chris Webber,he was the NBA#39;s first draft,so I was a high school,when I was fourteen or so,five years old people around me told me that you can not always as good as Chris,because Chris is very strong,but also a great effort,but you run fast,jumping ability does not work,you will never be his.But I was a kid,have heard such things,then how do I do it?

  I looked in the mirror said to myself,"You know,just your own ideas is the most important",so I#39;ll continue to work hard.In my high school graduation,I want to prepare to go to college,and I#39;ve won three statewide winner,but I#39;m still the nation#39;s high schools throughout the year inside a star team,I was the most high school students nationwide great basketball player.

  I later decided to enter into an American academic and college basketball very well,and that is Duke University.You certainly can not think of when I apply for Duke,people say to me.They say:"Oh,Sean,you#39;re a basketball playing well,but you#39;re in college,you should not be so good,because you slower,jump is not high,and you are not strong enough,you basketball consciousness is not strong enough."These words are my twelve years old,fourteen,five years old when I heard.So how do I do that before,I was standing in the mirror,I asked myself,are you ready?

  You go to those who question your proof that they are wrong,so I#39;ll continue to struggle.After the end of my four years of college,I decided to join the NBA.I went to the NBA,people questioned again,they said Shawn your college is a good player,but you definitely can not be a good professional player,it is very surprising,very shocking it.And how I do it?I looked in the mirror told myself:Now is the time you continue to work hard.

  So after twelve years,I stood in front of you,I#39;ve won two NBA championships,and I played in great teams there,and I make my dreams come true.I think my story,the most wonderful part is to tell you that is not what I woke up one night I went to the NBA arena,not the case.I have every small step along the way,until today#39;s success,I was squeezed off,someone said I was not good enough,some people say I will never succeed,when my success in basketball,people always want to call me a basketball star,but for my own words in addition to basketball there are a lot of things.

  I am very lucky that my parents are very emphasis on my education,but I have some friends and teachers,they will say:"Sean,you do not need to be a good student,as long as you play good basketball on the line."I say,"No,I do not like this,I want to be a good student because I like to learn,like reading,I like to learn new things."the entire four years of high school in my time,my grades only got a B,the other is A.

  I remember when I was little also played football,was a great stadium,should be a similar tournament game,and still fresh.I was 12 years old,I was very nervous,I was afraid that they will make mistakes,but when I run with the ball always side kick,how far are running,you know my face is about sixty thousand spectators,I can not Faced with such a scene,I am sad to cry,but at least I tried,I tried,though I might fail,I fail in the harvest,may be greater than the gain from the success of the.

  My coach is one of the best the United States,he called Krzyzewski,he once said:"You#39;d better be ready the next game of the match,as on the basketball court,there are a lot of things will happen,for example,In the course of your dribble,suddenly what was tripped shoes,everyone laughing at you,so many TV stations in the country live your site for all to see,then,how would you do it?you you sit there crying,would say I was too ashamed tripped,everyone laughing at me?No,certainly not like this.then how should you do it?

  you just stand up and continue to the next race,the next a game is the most important."I certainly want to be the next game in the tournament,which is a very important mode of thinking.If we are able to form such a mode of thinking,make you a lifetime,you will always be able to continue to lay a game.Seize the next opportunity,and the realization of the next target.When we have to have passion and enthusiasm to face the challenges before,and if you have been so insistent,you will definitely succeed,I#39;m sure you will succeed.

  I want to thank everyone arrived,we hope to be able to ask some very interesting questions,sharp gentle questions.Then I#39;m ready to answer your questions。

  thank you very much,thank you!


  Why does football get people into a frenzy?

  Who is your idol? It may be Napoleon, Picasso, or Michael Jackson. But who is my idol? Can you guess? It is Ronaldo. He is the No. 1 super star of football.

  Football is a game in which 22 people chase one ball around a large field. The aim of the game is to get the ball into the net to score.

  After all, it’s such an easy game, and yet people go crazy mad over it. The answer lies in two facts. One is the game itself. Sometimes it is beyond any description. Football is a game of passes and techniques, passion and love, more importantly, unity is the key---the whole team working as one, united they will never be defeated.

  The European’s style. of play is like a Waltz, the Brazilian like a Samba, and the passionate Argentineans play as if they are doing a Tango. Football is so unpredictable, so unbelievable. You will never know who will win until the last minute. Especially when suddenly there is a goal, the fans who have been sitting on the edge of their seats, will be wild with joy and excitement; and the losers with disappointed hearts will despair over their teams.

  The other is of course the super stars. Each one has his own personality, just like my idol Ronaldo. When he smiles, we all smile with him. Who can forget that buck-toothed smile, or that unique hairstyle. during the 20xx World Cup. Ronaldo was born to a poor family. He has set an example to children who can’t afford a pair of shoes, but have talent and a passion for football. He gives them confidence and hope of a better future.

  Football is the game that wins everyone’s heart and the best game ever invented.


  A Brother Like That

  A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present。 On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it。

  "Is this your car, Mister?" he said。

  Paul nodded。 "My brother gave it to me for Christmas。" The boy was astounded。 "You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you nothing? Boy, I wish 。 。 。" He hesitated。

  Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for。 He was going to wish he had a brother like that。 But what the lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels。

  "I wish," the boy went on, "That I could be a brother

  like that。"

  Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my car?"

  "Oh yes, Id love that。"

  After a short ride, the boy turned with his eyes aglow, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?"

  Paul smiled a little。 He thought he knew what the lad wanted。 He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile。 But Paul was wrong again。 "Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked。

  He ran up the steps。 Then in a little while Paul heard him ing back, but he was not ing fast。 He was carrying his little crippled brother。 He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car。

  "There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs。 His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent。 And some day Im gonna give you one just like it 。 。 。 then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that Ive been trying to tell you about。"

  Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car。 The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride。 That Christmas Eve, Paul learned what Jesus meant when he said: "It is more blessed to give 。 。 。 "
















  utside Games

  There are many outside game like running, skating, swimming, horse-racing, hunting, flying kites, walking-races. Of course, football is an out game. Basketball, badminton and so on are also outside game. Some people like outside games, but others like indoor games. They like playing billiard, chess, cards, table tennis.. Outdoor games invoke more and faster movement. Some active people like them. Indoor games are quiet and involve less movement. Do you like outside games or indoor game?





  It was sunny and warm today. I got up early. After breakfast I went to ..Mountain with my friend Li Lei. It took us about an hour to get there by bus. There were thousands of people. We joined them to climb the mountain as soon as we got there. We felt tired but we kept climbing.

  It took us about an hour to get to the top of the mountain. The wind was so cool and the scenry was very beautiful. We had a picnic and then we walked down from the mountain. We were very happy that day.

  In the evening, I surfed the internet and then read an interesting book. I really had a meaningful and happy day.


  Once upon a time a little old woman and a little old man lived in a cottage. One day the little old woman made a gingerbread man. She gave him currants for eyes and cherries for buttons. She put him in the oven to bake. The little old woman and little old man were very hungry and wanted to eat the gingerbread man. As soon as he was cooked, the little old woman opened the oven door. The gingerbread man jumped out of the tin and ran out of the open window shouting, 'Don't eat me!' The little old woman and little old man ran after the gingerbread man. 'Stop! Stop!' they yelled.The gingerbread man did not look back. He ran on saying, 'Run, run as fast as you can! You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man!' Down the lane he sped when he came to a pig. 'Stop! Stop! I would like to eat you," shouted the pig. The gingerbread man was too fast. He ran on saying "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.”

  A little further on he met a cow. 'Stop! Stop! little man,' called the hungry cow, 'I want to eat you.' Again the gingerbread man was too fast. He sped on down the road saying, "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man." The cow began to chase the gingerbread man along with the pig, and the little old woman. But the gingerbread man was too fast for them. It was not long before the gingerbread man came to a horse. 'Stop! Stop!' shouted the horse. 'I want to eat you, little man.' But the gingerbread man did not stop. He said,'Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me, I'm the gingerbread man.'

  The horse joined in the chase. The gingerbread man laughed and laughed, until he came to a river. 'Oh no!' he cried, 'They will catch me. How can I cross the river?' A sly fox came out from behind a tree. 'I can help you cross the river,' said the fox. 'Jump on to my tail and I will swim across.' 'You won't eat me, will you?' said the gingerbread man. 'Of course not,' said the fox. 'I just want to help.' The gingerbread man climbed on the fox's tail. Soon the gingerbread man began to get wet. 'Climb onto my back,' said the fox. So the gingerbread man did. As he swam the fox said, 'You are too heavy. I am tired. Jump onto my nose.' So the gingerbread man did as he was told. No sooner had they reached the other side, than the fox tossed the gingerbread man up in the air. He opened his mouth and 'Snap!' that was the end of the gingerbread man.


  Ray’s wedding had gone off without a hitch. Everyone seemed to have had a good time. A few people had too good of a time; they went home with designated drivers. All evening, the gift table remained unguarded. Who would steal anything, Ray thought. He had never heard of such a thing happening at a wedding. But his best friend Aaron said there was a first time for everything. He strolled out regularly from the inside festivities to check on the gift table, making sure no one suspicious was hanging around it.

  Ray and Julia went on a 3-week honeymoon to Italy right after the wedding. When they got back, they opened all the gifts and sent out thank you notes. But there was one problem. A married couple that used to be good friends had apparently given nothing. This surprised Julia, because Walt and Mary said they were thrilled to be invited. And, they actually seemed to have had a great time at the wedding. Frankly, Ray didn’t even care if they hadn’t given a gift. He just needed to know whether to send a thank you note. Ray called Aaron. Aaron said maybe Walt had left an envelope on the gift table like Aaron had. “Yes, but we got your envelope with the cash inside,” Ray said.

  “Maybe my envelope looked too thin, and some thief thought Walt’s envelope looked nice and fat.”

  Aaron asked Ray if he had looked everywhere for Walt’s gift. Had he called up the wedding site to see if anything had been left behind? Ray said that he had looked everywhere and made a lot of calls that were fruitless.

  Ray didn’t know what to do. If he sent Walt and Mary a thank you note for a gift they hadn’t given, they would be insulted. If he didn’t send them a thank you note for a gift they HAD given, they would be insulted.

  “What would you do?” Ray asked. Aaron said he would call Walt up and tell him the problem.

  “You can’t go wrong with simply being honest,” Aaron said.

  “Oh, yes, you can,” Ray countered. “Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie.” But he thought about it, and finally decided that honesty might be the best policy. He called Walt and told him the problem. Walt said that yes, he had given an envelope. In fact, the envelope contained $500 cash.

  “$500?!” Ray asked. “That’s a lot of cash, Walt!” Walt admitted that it was, but he had gotten a fat raise early that year and Ray’s was the only wedding he’d been to in quite a while. Ray thanked him very much, and apologized sincerely for someone stealing Walt’s generous gift. Walt told him that it was “only money.”

  When Ray told Aaron about Walt’s gift, Aaron laughed. “The only thief at the wedding was Walt! I quit playing cards with him last year because I caught him cheating. And it was only a $10 pot! I’m sure I told you about that.”

  “Yes, you did tell me,” Ray said. But, of course, he had to send Walt a thank you note anyway.







  Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously

  entreated, saying: “If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.” The Lion laughed and let him go.

  It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar,

  came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed: “You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to

  receive from me any repayment of your favour; but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion.”






  Nature Is Our Mother

  Let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not all, of those present here today.

  "Mum, I'm sorry, but I need 3,000 yuan for my tuition this year."

  "Mum, it is my friend's birthday tomorrow, I must buy her a present."

  "Mum, this jacket was out of fashion long ago, would you do me a favor? "

  Take. Take. Take. The relationship between a mother and a child always seems to follow such a pattern. I know my mother is always there for me, providing me with everything I need; from food to clothing, from tuition to pocket money. I never thought twice about all she did until one day she said, "Will there be a time that you'll say you have taken enough from me? "

  Like a child endlessly asking, we humans, throughout history, have been continually demanding what we desire from nature. We enjoy the comfort and beauty of our furniture, yet we never bother to think about the serious soil erosion caused by deforestation. We take it for granted that we must warm ourselves in winter times, yet we seldom realize the burning away of precious natural resources. We appreciate all the prosperity from the development of modern industry, yet few would give the slightest consideration to the global air and water pollution caused by industrial wastes. Our ruthless exploitation has permanently impaired our mother earth. As we tragically learned from last summer's floods. we cannot continue our carelessness.

  Finally, standing here at the threshold of the 21st century, we cannot help thinking of our posterity. Nature is not only the mother of the present generation, but also the mother of the generations to come. How severely our descendents will criticize us if we leave them a barren and lifeless mother? How much more they will appreciate us if we give them a world of harmony to inherit? Let us start respecting and caring for nature from now on. Let us start the campaign of creating a mutually beneficial relationship between people and nature right from this moment. With this new start, I firmly believe, that our children, and our children's children will live in a brand new age of green trees, clean air, crystal water, blue sky and an even more promising world!


















