
时间:2022-12-09 19:44:43 短语 我要投稿
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  1.bring to pass

  引起,使发生 cause to happen

  2.bring sth to pass

  After trying for weeks to close the deal we finally brought it to pass.经过数周努力去结束这笔交易,我们终于成功了。

  His wife's death brought a change to pass in his attitude toward religion.他妻子的死使他改变了对宗教的态度。

  The government has promised to improve prison conditions, but I doubt if they will ever bring their promises to pass.政府允诺改善监狱状况,但我怀疑他们是否会付诸实施。come to pass

  实现,发生 actually occur as predicted, planned or hoped for

  The prophecy came to pass.预言实现了。

  The plan has been approved but goodness knows when it will come to pass.计划得到了批准,但天晓得什么时候能实现。

  How can such a terrible state of affairs have come to pass?这种可怕的事态是怎样发生的?

  Many people would like the electoral system to be reformed but I don't believe this will ever come to pass.很多人都想要改革选举制度,但我认为不可能实现。

  3.pass along(v.+adv.)

  ▲pass sthalong

  Read this and pass it along, please.请传阅。pass along2(v.+prep.)

  沿…向前走 proceed along

  ▲pass along sth

  The procession passed along the street.集会队伍沿着街道前进。

  4.pass away(v.+adv.)

  1)(时间等)消磨掉,过去 occupy time in a pleasant, an easy way

  ▲pass away

  We had so much fun that the weekend passed away before we realized it.我们很快乐,不知不觉周末就过去了。

  ▲pass sthaway

  Conversation with friends soon passed an evening away.与友人闲聊,一个晚上很快就消磨掉了。

  They passed the afternoon away playing cards.他们打了一下午牌。

  2)去世 die

  ▲pass away

  I was grieved to learn that his mother passed away.他妈妈去世的消息使我感到很悲痛。

  3)终止; 停止 cease to exist

  ▲pass away

  The morning mist passed away quickly.朝雾很快消逝了。

  The storm should pass away before dark.天黑以前风暴会停止的。

  When automobiles become popular, the use of the horse and buggy passed away.汽车普及后,就不再使用马和马车了。

  Your illness will soon pass away.你的病不久就会好的。

  All this trouble will pass away.这一切困难都将结束。

  5.pass by1(v.+adv.)

  1)经过; 过去 go by

  ▲pass by

  So many people pass by and never notice the old lonely people staying by the road all day.很多人从旁边经过,但从没留意到那些成天呆在路边的孤独老人。

  The road passes by on the side of the village.这条大路从村子边上通过。

  Time quickly passed by without our knowing it.时间不知不觉地很快就过去了。

  2)疏忽,不予理会,回避 fail to notice; overlook; disregard

  ▲pass sb/sth by

  I inadvertently passed this essay by.我漫不经心地把这篇散文忽略过去了。

  I can't pass the matter by without a protest.我不能对此事视而不见,我要提出抗议。

  6.pass by2(v.+prep.)

  经过 go past

  ▲pass by sb/sth

  She passed close by me without a sign of recognition.她与我擦肩而过,却没认出我。

  The young man who passed by us is the assistant of our chemistry lab.从我们身边走过的那位年轻人是化学实验室的管理员。

  I passed by your house yesterday.我昨天路过你家。

  7.pass down(v.+adv.)

  把…一代传一代; 使流传 pass sth from one generation to the next; hand down

  ▲pass sthdown

  ◇ 常用于be ~ed结构

  This ring has been passed down in my family.这个戒指是我家祖传下来的。

  The skill has been passed down over four generations.这一技术已经传了四代人了。

  8.pass for(v.+prep.)

  被误认为是 be accepted as or mistaken for

  ▲pass for sb/sth

  The two of them look so much alike that they often pass for sisters.她们看上去很相像,人们常常把她们看作同胞姐妹。

  In this small village, he passed for a learned man.在这个小村子里,他被视为学识渊博的人。

  His Chinese is so good that he could pass for a native.他的汉语如此之好以至于别人误以为他是中国人。

  Among the people of that small town he passed for a man of considerable means.他在那个小镇的居民当中被认为是一个相当有钱的人。

  9.pass in(v.+adv.)

  进入 enter

  ▲pass in

  Is there room for two people at a time to pass in?这空间是否能使两人同时进入?

  10.pass into(v.+prep.)

  ▲pass into sth

  1)获准进入; 获准入学 gain admission to

  He passed into the Military Academy with no difficulty.他毫无困难地获准就读军事学院。

  2)逐渐变成 become gradually

  Many foreign words have passed into the English language.有很多外来语已成为英语的一部分。

  When water boils, it passes into steam.水沸腾时变成蒸汽。

  Patients under hypnosis pass into a trance-like state.被催眠的病人逐渐进入昏睡状态。

  11.pass off(v.+adv.)

  1)转移注意 turn attention from

  ▲pass sthoff

  He passed off the difficult question.他不重视这个难题。

  ◇ 用于be ~ed结构

  His rude remark was passed off by the host.主人并没有把他粗鲁的话放在心上。

  2)冒充; 假装为 represent falsely to be

  ▲pass sb/sthoff as n.

  He tried to pass himself off as a qualified doctor.他企图冒充自己是一名合格的医生。

  He passed off this theory as his own.他谎称这一理论是由他自己提出来的。

  12.pass through(v.+prep.)

  ▲pass through sth

  1)经过,通过 go through

  She said she was passing through Paris and would like to have a chat with me.她说她要路过巴黎,想跟我聊一聊。

  2)经历,经受 experience; suffer

  The astronauts passed through an anxious hour when the onboard computer started to malfunction.宇宙飞船上的计算机发生故障,宇航员们焦虑不安地熬了一个小时。

  The country is passing through troublesome time.该国动荡不安。

  3).经历并完成 undergo and complete a course of training

  His younger brother has passed through police academy to qualify for promotion as inspector.他的弟弟完成了警校课程,从而获得了晋升督察的资格。

  13.pass up(v.+adv.)

  错过 decline to accept; fail to take advantage of

  ▲pass up sth

  He passed up the chance to go to college.他错过了上大学的机会。

  It's a pity that Mike passed up such a good opportunity.迈克错过了这么好的一个机会,真是可惜。

  I had a chance to go to America, but I passed up it.我曾有个去美国的机会,但我错过了。

  Never pass up a chance to improve your English.绝不要错过任何能提高你英语水平的机会。









