
时间:2023-03-15 06:13:30 英语六级 我要投稿
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Section A

注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答 11. A)Their health insurance covers all the dental expenses. B) Theirhealth insurance covers dental expenses like brushing the teeth. C) Theirhealth insurance does not cover any dental expenses like fixing the teeth. D) Theirhealth insurance does cover some dental expenses. 12. A)He offers the 1 ,west price for his TV. B) His TV is worth the price. C) He'snever lowered the price. D) He will lower the price if the woman likes. 13. A) The doctor can see the man on Thursday. B)Appointments must be made after Thursday. C) Theman may reschedule after the doctor come back. D) Thedoctor canceled his appointments on Thursday. 14. A)She thinks the man should drive to town. B) She wants cars to pass by the highway. C) Theman shoul, I mind his own business. D) There will be less traffic pass by next week. 15. A)Check if it car still be fixed for free. B) Check and see what the problem is. C) Findwhere he has put the warranty. D) See if Bill is available. 16. A)Talking about the movers. B) Choosing things to pack up. C)Preparing to move to another place. D) Taking a long trip. 17. A)He doesn't have time living on campus. B) Hewants to change his living place. C) Hewants to change his fast pace of life. D) Heprefers the more interesting life-style on campus. 18. A)She is eager to, be accepted into the University. B) Sheis waiting to see if she could get the job from IBM. C) Sheis expecting to see if IBM would lend her some cash. D) Shehas no idea about whether she can afford the university tuition. ConversationOne 19. A)She used to eat meat for lunch. B) She once liked meat very much. C) Shewas once particular about food. D) She seldom ate vegetables in the past. 20. A)Some minerds can only be found in vegetarian food. B) It isimpossible for a vegetarian to get mal-nutrition. C)Vegetarian food can meet the body's nutritional needs. D)Vegetarian food provides more nutrition than meat, 21. A)She can be easily influenced by programs. B) Becoming a vegetarian is her long-term dream, C) As anun, she can only eat vegetables and fruits. D) She will not fail to become a real vegetarian. ConversationTwo 22. A)Genes and environment. B) Genes and chances. C)Intelligence and environment. D) Internal and external causes. 23. A)All scientists accept its definition. B) It is a sequence of DNA. C)People know very little about it. D) It is the smallest unit of human body. 24. A)Humans and chimpanzees. B) Humans and mice. C)Chimpanzees and monkeys. D) Fish and whales. 25. A)Pessimistic. B) Optimistic. C) Doubtful. D) Indifferent.

SectionB 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答 Passage One 26. A)They can test their personal abilities, B) They can stop playing any time they like. C) Theywant to pick a better team. D) They all want to be the winner. 27. A)He has to play better than others. B) He needs only to wait for his turn. C) Heneeds to be a popular person. D) He must be very ambitious. 28, A)They usually compete and fight with each other. B) They sometimes laugh at the losers. C) Theyknow the rules well and always obey. D) They never give orders to other children. PassageTwo 29. A)It's the first novel of Stowe. B) It's the best seller nowadays. C) It'sabout the life in the South. D) It's popular only in America. 30. A)To reflect the image realistically. B) To show the beautiful scenery. C) Tomake the villages popular. D) To understand the local dialect. 31. A)She was the initiator of the realistic movement. B) Sheused local dialect in works earlier than Mark Twain. C) Hernovels became popular after her death. D) Herfamily supported her writing career. 32. A)Her hard work. B) Her job as a teacher. C) Herhusband's support. D) Her will to become a writer. PassageThree 33. A)Any American who loves his country. B)Members of the two major parties. C)Citizens who live in America for more than 30 years. D)Natural-born citizens who is over 35 years old. 34. A)Gove support to party members, B) Choose a person to run for vice president. C) Runagainst members of their own parties. D) Take part in some activities with family members. 35. A)Visit the citizens of the states to raise money. B) Campaign around the country to get votes. C) Getsupport of party members around the country. D) Get support from other candidates.

Section, C For years,scientists have been studying how music affects the brain and itsfunctions. Classical music, (36)__________ songs by Mozart, hasproduced measurable results that have become known as "The Mozart Effect." The theory,essentially, is that listening to the music of Mozart can improve your(37)__________ capacity. The question is, can listening to classical music makeyou more (38)_________? If music improves cognitive functions, it is reasonable to believe youcan (39) __________ those same rewards, leading to increased performance andefficiency at work. Increased efficiency means you get things done quicker.Finishing earlier means you have increased free time to put towards another(40).__________ or to spend relaxing. Music Increases Cognitive Function. Several studies have shown cognitiveimprovements in those who listened to classical music (41)________to performingcertain tasks or taking tests. Functions that (42)__________ in increase in capacity included: Language skills,reading skills, verbal (43)__________, quantitative abilities, concentration,memory, and motor skills. Several studies of students preparing to take the SAT test (44).______________________________. Those who preceded the test with classicalmusic scored higher on the SAT than the students who did not. A study by the University of Washington showed that copyeditors (45)______________________________Listening to music not only improves functionswithin your brain, but music has also been shown to have a profound effect onmood. (46)__________ __________.











