
时间:2024-10-27 11:15:28 英语四级 我要投稿
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1. It s generally known that the First book of American is ___ by John Smith .


A A True Relation of Virginia

B The True Travels of Captain John Smith

C Map of the Bay and the Rivers

D A Description of New England

2. The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America was written by ___.
A John Smith B John Ellis
C Anne Bradstreet D Nathaniel Morton

3. A Funeral Elegy upon That Pattern and Patron of Virtue was written by John Norton in the memory of ___.
A John Smith B Anne Bradstreet
C Nathaniel Morton D Benjamin Franklin

4. Edward Taylor was a poet of ___.
A Local Colorism
B American Romanticism
C New England Transcendentalism
D Colonial American

5. Poor Richard s Almanac was written by ___ who also wrote ___.
A Benjamin Franklin Autobiography
B Washington Irving Autobiography
C Washington Irving History of New York
D Benjamin Franklin History of New York

6. All the following but ___ are the works of John Woolman .
A Journal of John Woolman
B Some considerations upon the keeping of Negroes
C A plea for the Poor
D Poor Richard s Almanac

7. The series of poems of romantic fancy are poems written by ___.
A Washington Irving B James Fenimore Cooper
C Edgar Allan Poe D Philip Freneau

8. ___ was the first black woman who published her collection of poems .
A Philis Wheatley B Ralph Ellison
C James Baldwin D Alex Haley

9. Escape : or A Leap for Freedom written by black author John Wells Brown was a ( n ) ___.
A poem B novel
C play D essay

10. Charles Brockden Brown wrote all the following novels but ___.
A Wieland B Ormond
C Edgar Huntley D The Pioneers

1. 选 A
一般认为,约翰.史密斯 John Smith 是美国文学的第一位作者,他的《关于弗吉尼亚的真实叙述》( A True Relation of Virginia )则是美国文学的“第一书”,其实也是整个美国历史的“第一书”。

2. 选 C
安妮.布拉德斯特里特 Anne Bradstreet 是殖民地时期的第一位诗人,她的第一部诗集《最近在北美出现的第十位缪斯》 The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung up in America 是移民在北美创作的第一部诗集。

3. 选 B
安妮.布拉德斯特里特 Anne Bradstreet 去世后,人们纷纷以“哀歌”的形式来表达对这位北美首位殖民地诗人的敬仰和哀悼,其中较著名的有约翰.诺顿的《葬礼哀歌》( A Funeral Elegy upon That Pattern and Patron of Virtue ),以及约翰.罗斯杰的《致安妮. 布拉德斯特里特》( Anne Bradstreet )。这两首诗后来都被收入了布拉德斯特里特诗集作为该诗集序言的一部分。

4. 选 D
艾德华.泰勒 Edward Taylor 是北美殖民时期的重要诗人之一,他的诗作体现了宗教精神和诗歌艺术的高度结合,主要诗作有《内省录》( Preparatory Meditations ),《上帝对其选民有影响的决定》( Gods Determinations Touching His Elect ),《诗体基督教史》( Metrical History of Christianity )。

5. 选 A
《穷查理历书》( Poor Richard s Almanac )是富兰克林( Benjamin Franklin )广受欢迎的第一部作品,他的另一部代表作是《自传》( Autobiography )。

6. 选 D
约翰伍尔曼的作品有《日记》( Journal of John Woolman ),《关于占有黑人的几点思考》( Some considerations upon the keeping of Negroes ),《为穷人请愿》( A plea for the Poor ),《穷查理历书》( Poor Richard s Almanac )是富兰克林( Benjamin Franklin )的作品。

7. 选 D
菲力普.福瑞诺( Philip Freneau )创作的一系列描述美国美丽自然风光的诗歌被成为“浪漫奇想诗”,作品有《美丽的圣克鲁斯》( The beauties of Anta Curz ),《印第安人墓地》( The Indian Burying Ground ),《乡间小舍废墟旁有感》( Stanzas Occasioned by the Ruins of a Country Inn )。

8. 选 A
菲丽丝.惠特利( Philis Wheatley )是美国文学史上第一位出版诗集的黑人女诗人,由于可以想见的原因,在相当的一段时间内被有意无意地无视了。

9. 选 C
黑人作家布朗 John Wells Brown 所创作的《逃亡;又名奔向自由》( Escape ; or A Leap for Freedom )是废奴时期较受欢迎的黑人戏剧。

10.选 D
查尔斯.布朗( Charles Brockden Brown )是美国18、19世纪之交的重要作家之一,因毕生从事文学创作和 评论而被誉为“美国第一职业文学家”,他创作的小说有《威兰德》( Wieland ),《奥蒙德》( Ormond ),《艾德加.亨特利》( Edgar Huntley ),《开拓者》是库柏( James Fenimore Cooper )的小说。









